Wakapolda Kaltara Opens Education Of 121 Police Officers At SPN Malinau
A total of 121 State Police School (SPN) students will be studying for 5 months at the SPN Polda North Kalimantan (Kaltara).
This was revealed by the Deputy Chief of the North Kalimantan Police, Brigadier General Golkar Pangarso Rahardjo Winarsadi while leading the Education Opening ceremony for the Second Police Officer for the 2024 Academic Year at the Malinau Regency SPN field, Monday, July 22.
The opening of education was marked by the reading of the statement on the opening of education and embedding of student ranks by the Deputy Chief of Police of Kaltara.
Wakapolda Kaltara when reading the message of the National Police's Kalemdiklat Komjen Purwadi Arianto said the success of students who graduated and became students was the result of a long struggle, determination, and support from various parties, including families.
"Education in the police environment has a very important role, in preparing prospective members of the National Police to face complex duties and responsibilities. Here, we not only form a professionalism attitude, but also hone the attitude of leadership, ethics, and interpersonal skills needed to serve the community well," said Deputy Chief of Police Kaltara.
The Deputy Chief of Police emphasized that these SPN students will be educated and trained to become a professional, moral Bhayangkara and have a good mentality and integrity.
"Therefore, carry out all stages of education professionally. Instill the values of discipline and integrity as contained in the tribratic and preset chess values in full accuracy," he said.
"Education for the formation of non-commissioned officers and enlisted officers for the second wave of the 2024 fiscal year is held simultaneously in several places in Indonesia, with a total of 14,288 students," he continued.
Golkar explained that education at the SPN Polda Kaltara is not only a teaching and learning process, but also a trip to shape a character as a police officer who has a protective spirit, protector, and public servant.
"The whole education process is expected to be effective and efficient in accordance with expected goals", he explained.
The Deputy Chief of Police hopes that students can complete this education well and smoothly and become qualified members of the National Police and can serve the community well.
"It is hoped that through these three elements, the National Police's NCO candidates can become professional, moral, and have good integrity," he said.