APTDI And Kominfo Officially Collaborate To Grow Indonesian Digital Talents

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Digital Talent Development Association (APTDI), an organization that oversees the growth of digital talent in Indonesia today officially announced their strategic cooperation with the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo).

This collaboration aims to support and grow Digital Talenta in Indonesia to meet the current needs of the industry and in the future increase the economy and standard of life of Indonesian Digital Talents.

"We hope that this ATTDI can be a forum for digital talent development actors in Indonesia to collaborate with each other, become a means of advocacy, contribute to digital transformation, and become a driver of strategic collaboration with various other stakeholders," said APTDI General Chair Ronald Ishak on Monday, July 22.

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics represented by Wamenkominfo Nezar Patria positively welcomed this collaboration with APTDI. Because according to him, the development of digital talent in the country is still an important problem that must be faced with singing.

"We hope that the presence of APTDI as a shelter association for digital talent capacity development actors in Indonesia will be able to become a breath of fresh air that helps consolidate and jointly grow the potential for developing digital talent in Indonesia," said Nezar.

This collaboration in general will focus on 4 workspaces, namely: