PT PKSS Holds Various Events Celebrating 25th Anniversary

JAKARTA - The silver figure refers to the 25th anniversary commemoration. This figure indicates an important and significant achievement, often celebrated with various events and activities to mark a quarter century of existence or the success of an entity, be it individuals, organizations, or companies. PT PKSS is 25 years old on Monday 15 July, and to celebrate this momentum, PKSS held various special events, namely Charity Day which included Sunatan Mass, Resik Masjid, Blood Donor and Sedekah Tree.

The series of events commemorating the anniversary of PT PKSS was opened by the President Director of PT PKSS, Revi Rizal Latif together with the board of directors were also attended by all internal employees at the mass Sunatan event.

"This silver year we have the theme of our 25th anniversary, namely "Raising The 25tar: Celebrating Achievements, Creating Global Impact Beyond," in addition to doing business, we also always try to do our best for the community, by holding a series of events summarized in Charity Day (Mass River, Mosque Resik, Blood Donor and Sedekah Tree)," said Revi, in his statement, Monday, July 22.

For Revi, business activities are not only profit growth, but also how to try to bring benefits or contributions to the development of the nation and the people of Indonesia. This program is a form of commitment in realizing the company's vision, which is beneficial for society and the environment.

On the same occasion, PT PKSS Business Director Rahman Arif said the Charity Day program is one of the company's routine agendas that has been going on for the last few years.

"Through this activity, we hope that the quality of the health of the surrounding community will be better and worship activities in mosques will be more solemn. The company of course always maintains good relationships or relationships with the surrounding community. This is also a form of gratitude for the company that reaches the age of silver in the midst of obstacles, challenges and success that we have gone through and achieved," he said.

In addition to holding an activity (Charity Day) to celebrate this 25th anniversary celebration, PT PKSS also held events in the form of sports competitions, ranging from aerobics, mini Soccer, fun bikes to badminton which were attended by all priority personnel of PT PKSS.

The highlight of the celebration of PT PKSS' 25th Anniversary with the theme "Raising The 25tar: Celebrating Achievements, Creating Global Impact Beyond," was held at the BRIlian Tower, Jakarta and was attended by the Chairman of YKP BRI Irwan Junaedi and the Director of Human Capital BRI Agus Winardono along with the entire board of directors of PT PKSS and all Priority Personnel.

"Today is a very special moment. Exactly 25 years ago, PT. PKSS stands with great passion and vision to become a shining star in the human resource industry. PT PKSS has achieved many things over the last 25 years. This celebration will be a platform to commemorate travel and motivate all parties to achieve bigger achievements in the future," said Revi.

The year 2023 is a year full of challenges, but thanks to the dedication and hard work of the entire team, PT PKSS managed to achieve significant growth. Profit achievement before tax in 2023 amounted to Rp223 billion or 118.44 percent of the RKAP target. And until June 2024, PT PKSS has recorded a profit before tax achievement of Rp147 billion or 126.38 percent of the target of RKAP in the first semester of 2024.

"This achievement is certainly proof of PT PKSS's joint commitment in achieving the targets that have been set," he said.

PT PKSS also continues to encourage innovation within the company by holding Innovation day, namely an award for Priority Personnel who have shown contributions in the form of creative ideas and innovations for the company's progress. In addition, PT PKSS also gave appreciation in the form of Umrah trips to the best workers. These awards are expected to be a motivation for all priority people to continue to provide the best performance for the company.

In addition to internal events, at the peak of PT PKSS's 25th anniversary celebration, there was a Awarding Partners session which was divided into Gold, Platinum and Silver awards to appreciate the cooperation that has been established so far between partners and the company. PT PKSS's 25th anniversary event closed with music entertainment and also friendly with the guests present.

With the passion and dedication that has been built to reach a milestone for 25 years, PT PKSS is committed to continuing to innovate and provide the best for Partners, the community to the environment. This 25th anniversary celebration is expected to be an inspiration for all of us to continue to grow, be Resilient and Quality.