Minister Of Transportation Reveals The Cause Of IKN VVIP Airport Development Only 8 Working Days In A Month

Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi acknowledged that the construction of VVIP Airport at IKN Airport was hampered by the ongoing rainy weather in East Kalimantan.

Budi conveyed that the rain occurred continuously in the area to the point that development could only be carried out for 8 days last month.

"It must be admitted that the days there were raining. Last month, there were only 8 days that could operate," he said when met by media crews in Kota Tua Jakarta, Sunday, July 21.

However, Budi explained, the Ministry of Transportation has deployed four TNI aircraft to modify the weather and continue to strive for the construction of the IKN airport to be optimal.

"Right now we have deployed four aircraft for the TNI to condition the air, but it is still raining. We are still trying. We will evaluate these days," he said.

On Thursday, he will appear before President Jokowi to report on the progress of the IKN airport construction.

"Later on Thursday we will report to the president how the airport was used," he said.

Budi said that his party is optimistic that the target of operating the VVIP IKN airport for the RI Anniversary ceremony on August 17, 2024 can be used to support the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia.

"That later on Thursday we will be invited by the President. Of course we are trying to comply with the plan for August 17th," he said.