Reporting Alleged Corruption In Land Purchase In DKI Jakarta, MAKI Submits Data To KPK

JAKARTA - The Coordinator of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI), Boyamin Saiman handed over a copy of the Building Use Rights (HGB) certificate for land in Munjul, Pondok Ranggon, Cipayung, East Jakarta to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). This submission is related to a corruption case that is being investigated by the anti-graft agency.

Through his written statement, Boyamin said the handover was carried out through online means, namely via the short message application, namely WhatsApp on Friday, March 19.

"We hereby convey a copy of the Right to Use Building Land in Munjul, Pondok Ranggon Village, Cipayung, East Jakarta, which is currently investigating the alleged corruption in the purchase of the land by the DKI Jakarta BUMD 9Regionally-Owned Enterprises), the Sarana Jaya Regional Company", Boyamin told reporters.

He then explained that the land had an HGB certificate numbered 97-99 which was issued by the East Jakarta Branch of the National Land Agency (BPN) in 2021. The entire certificate was registered under the name of the Carolus Borromeus Congregation Foundation with a total area of 4 hectares.

He also explained several points that reinforce the corruption related to land acquisition carried out by PD Sarana Jaya.

First, that the land belongs to a foundation. Thus, the land should not be sold to private business companies as regulated in Article 37 Paragraph (1) letter B of Law Number 16 of 2001 and Law Number 28 of 2004 concerning Foundations.

Boyamin assessed that PD Sarana Jaya should have known about this from the start. "So that by making a payment to a private company of around IDR 200 billion is a form of payment that does not obtain a clear and clean land and has the potential for total lost loss (all money is lost without obtaining land)", he explained.

Second, the land use rights will expire in 2021 and so far, no construction has been carried out according to the HGB permit and the HGB will potentially not be extended.

"So PD Sarana Jaya should be waiting for the HGB extension to make payments so that the payment before the HGB is extended is a form of payment that is futile and has the potential not to acquire the land", he said.

Third, before the HGB was issued in 2001, this land turned out to have the status of use rights, which means that this land belongs to the government. So, when the land is abandoned because no building is built, the HGB has the potential to be revoked or its extension will be rejected.

"So the payment by PD Sarana Jaya is something careless and money is wasted", said Boyamin.

Fourth, he continued, the plan to sell land by HGB holders to a private company which was then sold to PD Sarana Jaya should be suspected of violating the Foundation Law.

"So that the HGB can be revoked by the government because it does not match its designation, so PD Sarana Jaya's payment to a private company should be suspected of participating in corruption that is detrimental to the state", he said.

With the data that was sent as well as the points he revealed, Boyamin hopes that the KPK can immediately announce the suspects involved and carry out detention.

"We ask for the suspects to be announced immediately and detention of suspects in the alleged corruption of PD Sarana Jaya payments for plans to acquire land in Munjul, Pondok Ranggon, Cipayung, East Jakarta", he said.

Previously reported, the KPK is currently investigating a corruption case related to land acquisition in Munjul, Pondok Ranggon Village, Cipayung, East Jakarta. This land will later be used to build houses with a down payment or DP Rp. 0, which is a program of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan.

Although it has not been announced, based on the summons for a witness, in this case, four suspects have been named by the KPK. The first suspect is the Director of the Regional Public Company Pembangunan Sarana Jaya, Yoory Corneles P, who has now been retired from his position.

Apart from that, the KPK also named two private parties, Anja Runtuwene, and Tommy Ardian as suspects. Not only that, but the anti-graft commission also established a corporation, namely PT Adonara Propertindo.