Suharso: Regenerative Agriculture Is A Promising Solution To Fight Environmental Crisis

JAKARTA - Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (PPN/Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa considers regenerative agriculture as a promising solution to overcome the environmental crisis and achieve sustainable development.

"In the framework of our regulation, one of the real embodiments of this effort is the Sustainable Agricultural Cultivation System Law which mandates agro-economic approaches and conservation agriculture principles in accordance with the principles of regenerative agriculture to sustain our land," he said, quoting Antara.

On the occasion, he highlighted the issue of tripletary crisis that has become a global concern and requires innovative and sustainable solutions.

The agricultural sector is in the main spotlight in this discussion because it is one of the sectors most affected by climate change and the loss of biodiversity.

On the other hand, the agricultural sector can also be a contributor to environmental problems if they are not managed properly.

"Climate change has also had a real impact and threat to the agricultural sector. The more extreme the prolonged rainfall and dryness patterns, the increase in the average temperature on earth, sea level rise, and the high potential for natural disasters also increase the risks faced by various activities in the agricultural sector," said the Head of Bappenas.

He explained data from the Central Statistics Agency's Integrated Agriculture Survey (SITASI) in 2021 which shows a high level of inability in the Indonesian agricultural sector. Therefore, Suharso encourages regenerative agriculture as a promising solution in overcoming the environmental crisis and achieving sustainable development.

The Indonesian government itself has committed to achieving sustainable development and fulfilling international commitments related to environmental management.

Referring to the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan, the government has set a target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 31.89 percent with its own efforts or 43.20 percent with international support.

Suharso hopes that this meeting can produce constructive real solutions and steps in encouraging regenerative agriculture in Indonesia.

"By adopting sustainable agricultural practices, Indonesia can maintain land health, increase food security, and contribute to achieving sustainable development goals," said the Minister of VAT.