Official Import Task Force Formed, Minister Of Industry Agus: Its Success Depends On Law Enforcement

JAKARTA - The government has agreed to form a task force or task force to eradicate illegal imported goods entering Indonesia. The formation of this task force is expected to protect the domestic manufacturing industry from the onslaught of illegal imported goods.

This is reflected in the meeting held by the Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita with the Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan or Zulhas on Friday morning, July 19 at the Ministry of Trade office.

Minister of Industry Agus assessed that the success of the formation of a task force to eradicate illegal imported goods depends on the performance of the legal apparatus.

Because, said Agus, the current regulations have firmly prohibited the entry of illegal imported goods, including the Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag) Number 8 of 2024 concerning the Third Amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number 36 of 2023 concerning Policy and Import Regulation.

"What makes us call it 'disappointed', we already know how illegal goods come in, where the goods come in, how do we do, we already know. And actually there are no rules that allow illegal goods to enter. It must not be in Permenperin and Permendag," Agus said when met at his office, Friday, July 19.

"I have always underlined that since we responded to the proposal from the Ministry of Trade to form a task force team, I always said that the success of this task force depends on law enforcement," he continued.

According to Agus, so far law enforcement against illegal importers has been less serious. Thus, the onslaught of imported goods in Indonesia is unavoidable.

"Kami tahu itu praktik-praktik yang akhirnya karena penegakan hukumnya tidak serius, jadi masalah klasik. Makanya, saya selalu menelus penegakan hukumnya," ucap Agus.

"Our hope is that the Minister of Trade (Zulhas) is very committed to helping the industry, so law enforcement should not be 'hot, chicken dog'," he added.

Furthermore, Agus said, in the future law enforcement to eradicate illegal importers can really be carried out so that they can protect industrial products in the country.

"Really, yes, law enforcement is forever. Not in the first month, the first two months when it is in the public spotlight and industry players. Later after the spotlight subsides, these practices reappear. Well, that's what we and I'm sure from the Ministry of Trade also don't want that," he added.