Badanas Performs Community Food Consumption Diversification Through B2SA

JAKARTA - The National Food Agency (Bapanas) diversifies people's food consumption through Food Houses of Various, Nutritional, Balanced, and Safe (B2SA), in order to form food independence.

"This B2SA food house is a means of socialization, education and implementation to the community to change the mindset in a better direction by implementing diverse food consumption patterns, balanced nutrition, and daily safety in order to improve the quality of people's food consumption," said Head of Badanas Arief Prasetyo Adi in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Friday, July 19.

Arief emphasized the importance of a diverse diet of food consumption, balanced, and safe (B2SA) to increase public awareness of eating not only being full but being healthy eating.

"So eating is not just full, but we have to be healthy. We (Weat) invite the whole community to understand the concept of B2SA food consumption, changing the basic mindset of eating to just being full to eating must be healthy," he explained.

This concrete step was seen during the B2SA Food House Program Working Team from the Directorate of Food Consumption, Bapanas, monitoring B2SA Food Houses as well as providing socialization and education of the B2SA Food Consumption Pattern in Gunung Putri District, Bogor Regency.

Meanwhile, Director of Food Consumption Diversity, Rinna Syawal, revealed that to meet the needs of these food sources, they can take advantage of local food resources that are easily found in the surrounding environment so that they meet B2SA elements.

According to Rinna, these food sources are also affordable for the community and are easy to process into delicious and healthy foods.

"B2SA is not expensive. We can take advantage of the food sources around the yard. Don't look for what is difficult to get. And also, our mission to eat nutritiously, so it can be understood that all nutritional needs in each menu can meet B2SA standards, not just fullness, but must be healthy," said Rinna.

Rinna added, in 2024, the National Food Agency will develop the B2SA Food House at 175 priority village locations spread across 33 provinces throughout Indonesia.

Meanwhile, based on the results of the measurement of the Hope Food Pattern (PPH) score, the amount of rice consumption in 2023 is 1192kal / kap / day or 56.7 percent of the total AKE 2100 kcal / kap / day. This amount is far more than the ideal target set, which is 1050 kcal / kap / day.

This indicates that the consumption of carbohydrate sources for the Indonesian people still exceeds the ideal limit because it still has not reached the ideal B2SA principle.

To improve people's skills in processing the B2SA menu, the B2SA Food House also conducts local food processing demonstrations by cooperating with cadres of the Family Empowerment and Welfare Mobilization Team (TP-PKK) and several other relevant stakeholders.

"With the B2SA Food House Program with components of socialization and education and demonstrations for cooking processed local food, it is hoped that people can apply the B2SA food consumption pattern at their respective homes in presenting the daily dining menu," said Rinna.