Thomas Becomes Deputy Minister Of Finance, Sri Mulyani: Communication To Prabowo Is Good Enough For The 2025 RAPBN
JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati conveyed that communication with President-elect Prabowo Subianto was quite good and with the inclusion of Thomas Djiwandono as Deputy Minister of Finance II it would facilitate communication and management of the preparation of the 2025 State Budget Draft (RAPBN).
"However, in the political process, I report to President Jokowi and the elected president. Communication has been going well. Prabowo is fully aware of the budget preparation process and really supports him," Sri Mulyani said at a press conference, Thursday, July 18.
In addition, Sri Mulyani said that she had reported all the results of the discussion of the 2025 RAPBN with the DPR in the transition process of President Jokowi to Prabowo including discussions in the Macroeconomic Framework and Fiscal Policy Principles (KEM PPKF).
"So everything we discussed yesterday I reported to the President-elect Prabowo. This has been conveyed in range, and now we are in the drafting stage and calculate the points, what state revenues, state spending with various things that have been discussed, later we will convey it, including programs that have been submitted by the elected president, including nutritious eating," he explained.
On the same occasion, Thomas said that he had coordinated consistently with all levels of the Ministry of Finance.
"We worked for almost 3.5 months very intensely with the Deputy Minister of Finance, the Minister of Finance, and the Director General. This is to convince or actually give a concrete picture that the consistency has been finalized. And I think it is the most important part of me," he said.
Thomas conveyed that with his inauguration he showed consistency during the transition period from Jokowi's administration to President-elect Prabowo.
"That this actually shows the consistency of us for the first time meeting about 3 months ago in this building as well. As far as I remember, the mother of Finance was pleased to meet the synchronization team chaired by Mr. Dasco at that time and it was about 3 months ago, so this actually shows that consistency," he said.
Therefore, Thomas conveyed that he was included in Jokowi's Cabinet to ensure that President-elect Prabowo was consistent in maintaining future fiscal instruments.