Apindo Welcomes Thomas Djiwandono As Deputy Minister Of Finance II

JAKARTA - Gerindra Party politician and Prabowo Subianto's nephew, Thomas Djiwandono will be sworn in as Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) II to partner with Deputy Minister of Finance I Suahasil Nazara to accompany Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati.

Economic Policy Analyst of the Indonesian Employers' Association (Apindo) Ajib Hamdani said that by looking at the latest formation with the position of Deputy Minister being filled by a trusted team from the elected President Prabowo Subianto, he showed that the transition team that was formed participated in formal collaboration in several technical ministries.

"The formation of the positions of the deputy ministers is filled by the elected presidential trust team, showing that the transition team formed is also formally collaborated in several technical ministries including the Ministry of Finance," he told VOI, Thursday, July 18.

According to Ajib, the placement of Thomas Djiwandono as Deputy Minister of Finance II is a positive thing because the Ministry of Finance as one of the technical ministries requires a smooth transition, because the 2025 fiscal policy must be designed very well from now on.

In addition, Ajjib assessed that the business world has great and positive hopes so that the transition will run well and Indonesia's political and economic stability can be maintained.

He added that the market also positively welcomed Thomas' placement as Deputy Minister of Finance II, which of course would be a positive sentiment towards the Indonesian economy.

Ajib conveyed that the fiscal policy in Indonesia since COVID-19 has been very strict, because at that time there were many refocusing funds.

"The screening effect is still felt until this year. Even starting in 2025, the debt will start to mature by Rp800 trillion," he explained.

With the fiscal space so narrow and many challenges, according to Ajib, the new government tends to want to organize as early as possible the direction and orientation of fiscals in the future.