The DKI Provincial Government Must Know, Many Honorary Teachers Are Not Accommodated With The PPPK Quota

JAKARTA - Thousands of honorary teachers in Jakarta were unilaterally affected by the termination of contracts due to the policy of structuring educators.

The DKI Jakarta Education Office advised them to wait for the selection of government employees with a work agreement (PPPK) which will be opened this year.

However, Deputy Chairman of Commission E of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Elva Farhi Qolbina, asked the DKI Provincial Government to understand that not all honorary teachers can be accommodated in the PPPK selection, considering that the quota is limited.

"Many honorary teachers experience greatly but do not get quotas or certifications to become ASN or PPPK because they have to compete with new graduates," Elva told reporters, Thursday, July 18.

In addition, not a few honorary teachers' status are not certified in several fields. The difficulty in obtaining certification, emphasized Elva, is a big obstacle for them in participating in the PPPK selection.

"They are employed by public schools because they are registered in the main education data, although they do not have the special certification needed, such as religious teacher certification," he said.

Elva did not deny that the main goal of the honorary cleansing policy was to improve the quality and welfare of government employees by procuring PPPK and ASN.

However, the government cannot immediately dismiss honorary teachers who were previously recruited by school principals without the recommendation of the Education Office. This dismissal is feared to disrupt the learning system in schools.

"We have asked the Education Office to re-evaluate this policy. Efficiency should not be done in a way that harms teachers who have contributed greatly to education," he said.

Previously, the Acting Head of the DKI Jakarta Education Office, Budi Awaluddin, asked the honorary teachers who were fired to patiently wait for the PPPK selection which was opened this year.

"We will have a PPPK selection later this year. Yesterday from the Ministry of Education and Culture also stated that our needs are almost 1,900 for PPPK, for teachers. They can register there," said Budi at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Wednesday, July 17.

It was noted that around 4,000 honorary teachers in Jakarta were affected by unilateral termination of contracts. Disdik DKI blamed the principal who continued to recruit honorary teachers to teach at his school. In fact, Budi emphasized that his party had long reminded public school principals not to appoint honorary teachers.

"Even from 2022 we have informed not to appoint honorary teachers. At that time we have conveyed it, stop. But (the principal) is stubborn (still appointing honorary teachers)," said Budi.