Important Aura Satellite Achievements For 20 Years Of Operation

JAKARTA Aura, NASA's satellite developed to monitor Earth has reached the age of 20 years. During its carrying out its duties, this satellite has had a major impact on applied research and science. Many things Aura has done, ranging from monitoring Ozon's holes to studying air quality. This satellite has also succeeded in revealing the impacts of various environmental regulations, forest fires, the Covid-19 pandemic, and many more. This aura has paved the way for other atmospheric learning missions, such asorisol, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) and Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of POllution (TEMPO). To celebrate Aura's 20th anniversary, here are some achievements of the satellite.

There are many other Aura achievements that NASA notes, such as creating the first global map for volcanic emissions, proving a link between gas burning and Arctic pollution, monitoring the level of ozone depletion, and monitoring ship pollution that leaves traces in the atmosphere.