Semarang Mayor Hevearita 'Mbak Ita' Gunaryanti Rahayu And Husband Prevented From Going Abroad Related To Corruption Cases
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has asked the Directorate General of Immigration of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to prevent four people from leaving the country. This prevention is carried out in connection with allegations of corruption that is being handled.
"The KPK has issued Decree Number 888 of 2024 concerning the prohibition of traveling abroad," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardika at a press conference at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Wednesday, July 17.
Tessa detailed that four people were prevented from leaving. Two people are state administrators while the rest are private.
Based on information circulating, those prevented were Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu who was the Mayor of Semarang with her husband, Alwin Basri; Chairman of the Association of Indonesian National Construction Implementers (Gapensi) Semarang City, Martono; and Rahmat Djangkar who is a private party.
"The prohibition of traveling abroad is related to the investigation being carried out by the KPK," said the spokesman with the investigator's background.
Tessa said there are three corruption cases that are being handled by the anti-corruption commission. He detailed that the case procured goods or services within the Semarang City Government from 2023 to 2024, the alleged extortion of civil servants for incentives for collecting taxes and levies in the Semarang City area as well as the alleged receipt of gratuities from 2023 to 2024.
"This travel ban is valid for the next six months," said Tessa.
As previously reported, KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata confirmed the search in Semarang City, Central Java today. He said this process was related to the case being handled.
"Yes, there must be an investigation of a case related to alleged corruption in the Semarang City Government," Alexander said when confirmed by reporters, Wednesday, July 17.
He did not specify which locations were searched. However, investigators had visited the Hevearita Mayor's Office Gunaryanti Rahayu or Mbak Ita.
"I don't know if the places that were searched were," he concluded.