Hippindo Ready To Invest In Government Buildings That Will Be Left Moved To IKN

The Indonesian Shopping Center Retailers and Tenants Association (Hippindo) is ready to fill government buildings that will be left to move to the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) in East Kalimantan.

Chairman of Hippindo Budihardjo Iduansjah assessed that government buildings could be converted into culinary centers or supermarkets. So, no government assets were neglected after the government moved to IKN later.

"We are also ready to fill empty places if later it is true that ministries and institutions will move, maybe we fill it as a restaurant, supermarket or a culinary center," said Budiharjo when met at the Jakarta International Investment, Trade, Tourism and SME Expo (Jitex) 2024 press conference at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Wednesday, July 17.

In addition, Budiharjo also conveyed Hippindo's readiness as an association of retail entrepreneurs who rent shopping centers to invest and fill these voids.

He also ensured that his party also supports retail in public transportation, such as at PT MRT Jakarta.

"Hippindo will invest there. Also at the MRT, right, there are our members," he said.

"We indeed if the location is good, for example, there is a place near the train station, we will try to make minimarkets, pharmacies, coffee places, we can. We are ready," he added.

Even so, Budihardjo is still reluctant to provide specific information regarding the amount of investment that will be disbursed by his party for this matter.