The Reason Prabowo Hasn't Decided The Cagub For The West Java And Central Java Gubernatorial Elections

JAKARTA - The Gerindra Party DPP revealed the reason why the Gerindra Party chairman Prabowo Subianto has not yet decided on the name of the candidate for governor (cagub) for the West Java (Jabar) Governor and Deputy Governor Election (Pilgub) and Central Java (Central Java).

The reason is that Prabowo still needs a little time to calculate and carefully consider the name of the governor who is carried by Gerindra in West Java and Central Java.

"We need a little time to explore what is developing from the growing partners and minds in the community," said Gerindra Party Secretary General Ahmad Muzani at the DPR building, parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, July 16.

Muzani asked the public to be patient about the decision whether later the Gerindra Party would carry internal cadre Dedi Mulyadi or would carry Ridwan Kamil in the West Java gubernatorial election. Prabowo, he said, continued to monitor and check conditions in the field, including the results of the survey.

"In time it will be finished, be patient a little," he said.

In addition, Muzani is also optimistic that he will be with the Golkar Party in the West Java gubernatorial election. "God willing, it will be the same," he said.

Muzani said the Central Java gubernatorial election was slightly different from West Java. The reason is that Prabowo has received input from various Central Java figures and survey results and is waiting for the results of the istikharah from the General Chairperson of Gerindra Prabowo Subianto.

"God willing, including Central Java, Pak Prabowo will not need too long because he has concluded several inputs, conditions, and survey results. He just needs a little politicia," explained Muzani.

"Once again, Central Java, he has received various sources, various kinds of input from the community and Central Java figures and he will also make decisions and will conclude the best in Central Java," he added.

Muzani assessed that Prabowo had already pocketed the name of the Central Java governor's reading. Likewise, with the certainty of whether Gerindra will support Sudaryono's internal cadre or carry the former Central Java Police Chief Ahmad Luthfi, who has high electability, Prabowo will decide.

"In Gerindra, we are all party fighters. What is the decision of the general chairman, chairman of the supervisory board, we follow, we obey, and the general chairman and chairman of the supervisory board certainly make decisions for something that is best for the future of Central Java, the future of the nation and state," concluded Muzani.