Strengthening The Electric Vehicle Ecosystem, PT NETA Auto Indonesia Collaborates With PLN

PT Neta Auto Indonesia as an electric car distributor announced its participation in the strategic initiative carried out by PT PLN (Persero), in order to strengthen the electric vehicle (EV) ecosystem in the country.

Together with 28 other business entity partners, PT NETA Auto Indonesia signed 30 sets of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Cooperation Agreements (PKS). The collaboration aims to increase the infrastructure for charging electric vehicle batteries, including Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU), Public Electric Vehicle Battery Exchange Stations (SPBKLU), and Home Charging Services services throughout Indonesia.

As a company that is committed to encouraging the adoption of electric vehicles, PT NETA Auto Indonesia sees this collaboration as an important step in accelerating the energy transition in the transportation sector.

"This collaboration is part of our efforts to support the government's vision of reducing carbon emissions and improving air quality. By participating in EV infrastructure development, we believe we can make a significant contribution in shaping a cleaner and more sustainable future," said Managing Director of PT NETA Auto Indonesia Jerry Huang, in his official statement, Tuesday, July 16.

He further said that to create a reliable and efficient EV ecosystem, it is important to collaborate between various parties.

"With the full support of PLN and other partners, we hope to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles in Indonesia. An adequate infrastructure is the key to providing comfort and trust in the community in switching from fossil fuel vehicles to electric vehicles," he added.

On the same occasion, PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo conveyed the company's commitment to fully support the government's steps in accelerating the EV ecosystem through the provision of massive infrastructure. This is in line with Presidential Regulation Number 79 of 2023 concerning the acceleration of the battery-based electric motor vehicle program for road transportation.

In addition, the Director of Retail and Commerce of PLN, Edi Srimulyanti, revealed that the growth of the electric vehicle ecosystem continues to grow rapidly thanks to various stimuli and support from the government.

"Through the various stimuli provided, the growth of electric vehicles has become significant. We will continue this positive achievement by ensuring the reliability of the EV ecosystem so that people are more confident in switching to electric vehicles," said Edi.

Budi Setyadi, Chairman of the Indonesian Electric Motorcycle Association, also expressed his appreciation for this collaboration initiative. According to him, cooperation between PLN and 28 business partners will reduce public concerns regarding the use of electric vehicles and improve air quality, especially in the Greater Jakarta area.

"We believe that with adequate infrastructure, the adoption of electric vehicles will increase. We are ready to collaborate with PLN and other partners to achieve the target of 3,000 SPKLU units and 250 SPBKLU units in 2024," concluded Jerry Huang.