PIEP Shows Off Zero LTI's Achievements For 12 Years

JAKARTA - PT Pertamina Internasional EP (PIEP) as Pertamina's International Subholding Upstream Region, managed to record a 12-year achievement without Lost Time Incident (LTI), through the achievements of a subsidiary of PIEP, namely PT Pertamina Algeria EP (PAEP) which has been operating in MLN Field, Algeria since 2012.

The achievement of PT pertamina Algeria EP with a total of 65 percent of this participating interest was achieved as proof of its firm commitment to safety and culture to prioritize continuous improvement.

All of these efforts can be achieved through the work ethic and commitment of all stakeholders. Even though we are abroad, we are not careless, it is actually strengthening our HSSE commitment. We appreciate the performance of our friends on the MLN field by holding Zero LTI Appreciation," said PIEP President Director, Jaffee A. Suardin, Tuesday, July 16.

PIEP said the LTI rate achievement rate was zero, realization until the end of 2023, and the total recordable incident rate (TRIR) was also recorded at zero, both of which were indicators of good safety performance.

Meanwhile, of the total Manpower of 438 personnel, PIEP recorded 25.6 million hours without a work accident at MLN. This is a very good achievement and reflects the high standards of PIEP on the HSSE aspect.

However, improving the work safety culture will always be the main agenda for PIEP operations.

"We continue to remind PIEP officers to continue to comply with company regulations that have been made for our common safety. The journey is still long to make PIEP a recognized company globally," said Jaffee.

Jaffe added that these milestones symbolize a joint company commitment to ensure that all workers on duty in the operating area can return home safely.

In the Appreciation of Zero LTI at MLN Field, Algeria, the Director of Production Development of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), Awang Lazuardi, said, Zero LTI for 12 years was a joint achievement, but Pertamina officers should not be satisfied quickly.

"Be vigilant and proactive in identifying potential hazards, mitigating risks and complying with applicable standards, regulations and laws," said Awang.

Lelin Eprianto on the same occasion invited all parties to continue working together to affirm his commitment to safety as well as continue to strive to achieve excellent performance in all business processes.

"Congratulations to all team members who always uphold safety standards, which is our top priority. In achieving these milestones, it can be seen that the commitments given by all team members to safety and our real efforts to meet and even exceed the expectations of the main stakeholders," concluded Lelin.