Pansel Announces Verification Results Of Capim And KPK Applicants Documents July 24

JAKARTA - The selection committee (pansel) will immediately verify the documents for registering candidates for leadership (capim) and the KPK Supervisory Board. This process is carried out after the official registration period is closed on Monday, July 15 at 23.59 WIB.

"We will verify the documents that have been uploaded," said Deputy Chairman concurrently a Member of the Capim Pansel and the KPK Supervisory Board Arif Satria to reporters, Tuesday, July 16.

Arif said the announcement would be made through the Apple application as well as the page and on Wednesday, July 24. Furthermore, the public can provide input to the Pansel Capim and the KPK Supervisory Board regarding the figure who passed.

"As of July 24 to August 24, 2024, we expect input and responses from the public for candidates who have passed this administrative selection," he said.

"The input and response can be conveyed through the apple application and the KPK Pansel email," continued Arif.

Diberitakan sebelumnya, pendaftaran capim dan calon dewas KPK dibuka selama 20 hari sejak 26 Juni hingga 15 Juli 2024. Pendaftar harus lebih dulu membuat akun di laman

As for the latest data or on Monday, July 15 at 23.59 WIB, there were 525 registrants of Capim and Dewas, most of whom were men. The Pansel said 318 of them registered as candidates for leadership.

In detail there are 298 male and female registrants. Meanwhile, for the KPK Supervisory Board, there were 207 registered people consisting of 184 men and 23 women.