Kabareskrim Regarding The Handling Of Vina's Case: Withdrawn Or Not, See The Development

JAKARTA - Kabareskrim Pori Komjen Wahyu Widada has not been able to confirm the possible handling of the murder case against Vina and Eky has been withdrawn from the West Java Regional Police. Because, currently the investigation process is still being evaluated.
"Regarding whether it will be withdrawn or not, we will see the progress, now everything is in the process of being evaluated," Wahyu told reporters, Monday, July 15.
So far, it has only been conveyed when handling the case, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has provided assistance. However, the extent of the assistance provided was not clearly conveyed.
"What is certain is that we provide assistance to the West Java Regional Police," he said
Then, it is also said that in the evaluation process it is not only from Bareskrim. However, it also involves Propam and Itwasum Polri.
"Yes, this is all in the process of being carried out, we are also not working alone with friends from Propam with Itwasum to work together to see everything," said Wahyu.
In handling this case, the West Java Police made a mistake in handling the Vina and Eky Cirebon cases. Investigators did not examine Pegi Setiawan as the alleged perpetrator but immediately as a suspect.
This became the basis for the sole judge of the Bandung District Court, Eman Sulaeman, to grant a pretrial lawsuit regarding the status of a suspect filed by Pegi Setiawan.
The West Java Regional Police were deemed not in accordance with the National Police Chief Regulation Number 14 of 2020 concerning the Management of Criminal Investigations, and the National Police Chief Regulation Number 6 of 2019 concerning Criminal Investigation.
Based on this consideration, the judge stated that the determination of Pegi as a suspect by the West Java Regional Police was not in accordance with the procedure and was invalid according to the applicable law.
"Declaring the defendant's actions as a suspect in premeditated murder is invalid and illegal," Eman said in a verdict hearing at the Bandung District Court (PN), West Java, Monday last week.