The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Has Been Asked To Appeal The Judge's Decision Because SYL Is Only Mandatory To Pay Replacement Money Of IDR 14 Billion

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) was asked to appeal against the decision of former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo. The replacement money of Rp. 14 billion that must be paid to the state is considered incomparable to the extortion carried out.

"The replacement money that was knocked by the judge was only around Rp. 14 billion, far from the value of the demand of Rp. 44 billion. So I think the KPK must appeal," said former KPK investigator Yudi Purnomo to reporters, Monday, July 15.

Yudi agrees that the 10-year prison sentence handed down by the Jakarta Corruption Court is quite high. However, the appeal remains the most rational step for the anti-corruption commission.

"Even though the KPK actually still has one more SYL case, namely TPPU. However, maintaining their demands in higher courts or in corruption courts will have a positive effect on the KPK's image," he said.

Meanwhile, the KPK is taking advantage of the seven-day period given by the Jakarta Corruption Court to think about further steps. KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardika said the consideration would be made by looking at a complete copy of the verdict.

"There are still seven days for the public prosecutor to accept a copy verdict, a complete verdict and will see the considerations," Tessa told reporters, Friday, July 12.

"Is the point of view in accordance with the judge's point of view, if it is a consideration for the appeal, maybe it will be included as an appeal later," continued the spokesman with the investigator's background.

As previously reported, former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo was found guilty in the case of extortion and receiving gratuities within the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan). As a result of his actions, the Panel of Judges at the Corruption Court of Judges sentenced him to 10 years in prison.

Not only prison witnesses, but the panel of judges also imposed a fine of Rp. 300 million. If Syahrul does not have the ability, he will be replaced with imprisonment for 4 months.

In addition, the former minister also had to pay compensation of Rp. 14.1 billion and US$ 30 thousand. Payments must be made within one month after the decision has permanent legal force.