Assessed As Having Promising Performance, GIS Is Included In The List Of PEFINDO Index Constituents I-Grade
JAKARTA - Shares of PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (SIG) were designated as constituents of the PEFINDO Investment Grade Index (PeFINDO i-Grade Index) for the period July - December 2024 by PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (PEFINDO), based on the results of the evaluation which showed that GIS had the best performance.
The PEFINDO i-Grade index is a rating-based index service from PEFINDO which has been registered with PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) to provide an alternative reference stock index for capital market players. The PEFINDO i-Grade Index constituent consists of 30 companies listed on the stock exchange and has an idAA rating up to idBB- with the best performance.
Since the base date period (28 December 2012), the performance of the PEFINDO i-Grade Index has consistently shown outstanding achievements compared to other benchmark stock indexes on the IDX. PEFINDO i-Grade's return performance was recorded to be able to provide returns of up to 126.51%, far ahead of other indexes.
SIG's Corporate Secretary, Vita Mahreyni positively welcomed the determination of GIS as a constituent of the PEFINDO i-Grade Index because it became a form of recognition of SIG's ability to maintain sustainable performance growth and fulfill long-term financial commitments, thus providing added value for shareholders and stakeholders.
The company appreciates and positively welcomes the PEFINDO decision which has designated GIS as the constituent of the PEFINDO i-Grade Index. This determination is a motivation for GIS to increase its capability in maintaining leadership in the market with a strong fundamental of innovation and efficiency, increasing operational excellence, to good financial management," said Vita Mahreyni, in her statement, Saturday, July 13.
Previously, on August 10, 2023, Pefindo raised the GIS rating to IdAA+ Positive from the previous IdAA+ Stable. The increase in the rating reflects the strong position of the GIS market, well-verified production and logistics facilities, and healthy financial profiles.
In addition to ranking the Company, Pefindo also assigns IdAA+ rankings for Shelf-Registered Bonds II, as well as Shelf-Registered Bonds I Phase II Series A and Series B Year 2019 and Shelf-Registered Bonds II Phase I Series A and Series B Year 2022 published by SIG. The rating shows the Company's strong ability to fulfill its long-term financial commitment to debt securities, compared to other issuers in Indonesia.