Terungkap, Ini Cara Dokter Cukai Kelenjar Getah Bening Tanpa Operasi

YOGYAKARTA - The diagnosis of being exposed to lymph nodes is very troublesome because it has to carry out a series of treatments and even until surgery. However, is there a way to treat lymph node without surgery? Let's discuss it here!

Limfoma or lymph node cancer is cancer that occurs when white blood cells turn violent. The white blood cells are considered malignant because they reproduce uncontrollably in the lymph nodes.

There are also lymph node cancers divided into 2 types, namely non-hodgkin lymphoma (LNH) and hodgkin lymphoma (LH). As one of the diseases that you need to be aware of, the healing of clear gland cancer has led to many debates. Because, there is a belief that says that lymph node cancer can heal without surgery.

Explanation Of Bening's Getah Skin Cancer

Until now, experts have not recognized what is the main trigger for white blood cell mutations that cause lymphoma. However, there are several risk factors that can increase a person's threat to contract this disease.

Starting from male gender and over 55 years of age, experiencing immune system disorders, to having certain inflammations such as the Epstein-Barr virus. On the other hand, indications of the very common Hodgkin lymphoma are swelling in the neck, armpits, orGAps.

Swelling generally does not cause pain, even though some people feel sick. This swelling occurs due to excess lymphocytes (white blood cells) collected in the lymph nodes.

Fragrance is a clump of tissue the size of a peanut that you can find all over the body and has white blood cells that help fight infection.

Some people with Hodgkin lymphoma also have other more common indications. This can include:

Other indications will depend on which part of the body the enlarged lymph nodes are located. For example, if the stomach is infected, the sufferer may experience digestive disorders.

For more details, read: Kenali Limfadenitis, Implementation Of Bening Getah Lens As Experienced By Jessica Iskandar's Child.

In fact, the swelling of the lymph node will deflate or heal by itself if it is caused by infection such as inflammation of the flu and cough. That is, without medication and surgery also the swelling of the lymph node can be cured.

But sometimes, doctors will give antiviral drugs or antibiotics to fight the inflammation of the virus and bacteria which trigger the swelling of the lymph node.

Not only that, doctors will generally recommend medicines such as acetaminaphen and ibuprofen to relieve pain and pain and to reduce infection.

Launching from the Mayo Clinic, the method of curing lymph node glands without surgery is by giving special medicines if the cause is due to infection. Including HIV infection, special medicines can be given by asking a doctor.

How to cure lymph no other surgery is by compressing it. Kompres can be done using warm water and towels.

To do this, dip a towel into a warm water. Then, squeeze and attach it to the swollen lymph node area. For example, in the neck or armpit.

Do this for several times. After that, enough effort so that the body has the power to fight viruses and bacteria. That way, the swollen lymph nodes can quickly defet and recover.

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