BPH Migas Rangkul Local Government Supervises The Distribution Of Subsidized Fuel In Papua And Maluku

JAKARTA - The Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) is again coordinating with the Maluku and Papua Provincial Governments to realize cooperation in controlling, coaching, and supervision in the distribution of certain types of fuel oil (BBM) (JBT) and Types of Special Assignment Fuel (JBKP) to consumer users.

Head of BPH Migas Erika Retnowati stated that BPH Migas has a function to supervise the implementation of the provision and distribution of fuel and natural gas transportation through pipes.

In supervising JBT and JBKP, the Regulatory Agency can cooperate with relevant agencies and/or local governments.

"We invite them to cooperate with the Regional Government. Because in fact, the Provincial Government is more aware of User Consumers in their respective regions," he explained, quoted on Friday, July 12.

According to Erika, this meeting is a mandate of Presidential Regulation Number 191 of 2014 concerning the Provision, Distribution, and Retail Selling Price of fuel.

"We want to work with local governments to be able to carry out surveillance in their respective regions," he said.

Erika hopes that the existence of this Cooperation Agreement (PKS) aims to make the distribution of subsidized fuel more targeted and right on volume.

"The ultimate goal is, of course, with the fifth principle of Pancasila, so that people who need subsidized fuel and compensation fuel can receive their rights, and the Indonesian people will be more prosperous," he said.

Di tempat yang sama, Anggota Komite BPH Migas Basuki Trikora Putra menyampaikan, pemerintah provinsi wilayah Papua dan Maluku enthusiastically untuk berpartisipasi pada Rapat Koordinasi.

"It is a good first step in realizing this Cooperation Agreement," he explained.

The man who is often called Tiko continued, the main goal of PKS is to provide benefits to all parties, especially the Provincial Government.

"So that subsidized fuel and fuel compensation are more targeted, right in number, and right in price, and can be enjoyed by all people from the user sector in the Maluku and Papua regions," he concluded.

Meanwhile, the Regional Secretary of Southwest Papua Province, Johny Way, said that fuel has an important role in everyday life.

The availability of adequate fuel is very supportive of community activities.

"The Government of Southwest Papua Province appreciates BPH Migas for encouraging the Regional Government to cooperate in the implementation of supervision of the distribution of subsidized fuel, so that the distribution of fuel runs well throughout the jurisdiction of Southwest Papua Province," he said.