Gisel Requests An Online Trial Of The Perverted Video Case

JAKARTA - Artist Gisella Anastasia (Gisel) has requested that the video nasty case trial be held virtual or online trial. Gisel wants an online trial because of the COVID-19 pandemic conditions.

"Yes, if we are due to conditions like this, we do not know what to do there. So just apply for it first”, said Gisel at Jakarta Metro Police, Thursday, March 18.

However, if the court continues to hold an offline trial by presenting the defendant at trial, Gisel admits that she is ready.

"Yes, if we continue to follow the applicable procedures. We just submitted a proposal, but whatever the decision is, we follow it”, said Gisel.

Meanwhile, Gisel's attorney, Toddy Laga Buana said virtual trials or online trials were better done to prevent crowds. Therefore this request was submitted to the court and the prosecutor's office.

"During this pandemic, virtual sessions prevented crowds", he continued.

Head of Public Relations of Jakarta Metro Police Kombes Yusri Yunus previously explained that Gisel deliberately recorded and sent a nasty video that was carried out at a hotel in Medan in 2017 to Michael Yukinobu De Fretes.

"She made the video which is the main problem", said Yusri.

So, what became the problem was the spread of the 19-second nasty video, even though Gisel told the police that she only recorded it for personal documentation.

"If the context is for personal interests, it is impossible to spread it. Moreover, she also sent the video to her boyfriend", continued Yusri.

According to Yusri, the nasty video recorded by Gisel was sent or distributed via AirDrop, a message management application on Apple devices.

"Why should we make her boyfriend a suspect? Because he did not immediately delete it. His confession a week after being sent was then deleted. So there is an omission, right?

Gisel then apologized for the nasty video case with Michael Yukinobu de Fretes (MYD). Gisel promised to cooperate with the legal process handled by the police.

In a press conference on Wednesday, January 6, Gisel stated that her actions were an example of dishonesty and were a thing of the past. Therefore she apologized to the Indonesian people, including her family. Gisel is also grateful that the people closest to her continue to provide support.

"With all my humbleness to express my deepest apologies to all Indonesian people, all related parties, especially to my extended family, friends, people who love me, (Gisel spoke haltingly, ed), My work partner, and all parties who have put their trust in me, for what I have done, which is not a commendable example that you can expect from my person, Gisella Anastasia", said Gisel at that time.