Erick Thohir Will Hand Over Dapen Management To The Ministry Of Finance

JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir said that state-owned companies that manage pension funds (dappen) in the future will be under the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu).

Erick said this was related to the direction of Commission VI of the DPR to closely monitor the use of State Equity Participation (PMN) to PT Asabri (Persero) for the upcoming 2025 Fiscal Year.

"In the future, maybe pension funds like Asabri, Taspen is better under the Minister of Finance, because it is better than there. But maybe some other SOEs can be prioritized in coordination with us," he told reporters, in Jakarta, quoted Thursday, July 11.

He added that cleaning the body of state-owned companies that manage pension funds has been carried out several times by the Ministry of SOEs. As done in Asabri to Jiwasraya.

Furthermore, Erick said, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has always fully supported the efforts of the Ministry of SOEs to dismantle corruption in pension fund management companies.

"It's the same with Asabri, when I reported it to the President, I was given time to meet Pak Prabowo as Minister of Defense. At that time, Pak Prabowo immediately called the Attorney General with me to immediately make changes to the board of directors and the legal process was carried out," he said.

In addition, he said, the management of pension funds in the future will be handed over to the Ministry of Finance so that there will be no overlap between ministries.

"So that there is no overlapping of SOEs among other ministries and ministries of SOEs," he said.

Furthermore, Erick revealed, the plan has been discussed together with the Minister of Finance and will be consolidated in the BUMN Bill.

"One of the proposals that we encourage is also consolidated which is in the BUMN Bill, right, later the number of SOEs is less, but the cluster from 12 to 11," said Erick.