Tiko Aryawardhana Presents As Witness In Examination Of Alleged Embezzlement Of Ex-wife's Funds

JAKARTA - Bunga Citra Lestari's husband, Tiko Aryawardhana, is said to have been present at the investigation into the alleged embezzlement of funds that was accused of him by his ex-wife, AW alias Arina Winarto some time ago.

This was conveyed by the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Bintoro, who said that the investigation was still ongoing.

"So we, the South Jakarta Metro Police, said that today TA's brother fulfilled the summons as a witness in accordance with the report that his ex-wife had reported," said Bintoro at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Thursday, July 11.

"Currently, the investigation is still ongoing in detail and in detail regarding the case reported by his ex-wife," he added.

So far, the investigation stage investigation is still being investigated by the investigative team.

"So the process is still being explored to what extent the role in the person concerned will be conveyed to media colleagues," he said.

During the current investigation, Tiko was accompanied by two of his attorneys and was present according to the schedule requested by the investigators.

"So indeed the person concerned with the examination with lawyer 2 people we have also received well, we are currently still in the process of being investigated," he explained.

"(Coming at 10.05 start the examination, so at this time it was still a process of breaking the midday prayer and lunch," he said.

Previously, Tiko Aryawardhana was reported by his ex-wife on suspicion of fraud and/or embezzlement in office. Tiko is suspected of causing losses with a total of Rp. 6.9 billion

This was revealed by Leo Siregar as legal adviser to Arina Winarto alias AW who explained that this incident occurred from 2015 to 2021.