State Palace Progress At IKN Capai 82.73 Percent, End Of July Can Be Used Partly

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) said that the construction of the State Palace and the ceremonial field in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), East Kalimantan, had reached 82.73 percent.

The building is targeted to be partially ready for use by the end of July 2024.

"First the State Palace. That will be the end of July, most of the rooms in the middle, if the Garuda is the Presidential Office, it will be functional, the main rooms at the Palace," said Head of the IKN Infrastructure Planning Task Force of the Ministry of PUPR Imam S. Ernawi in a press conference held online, Thursday, July 11.

For the ceremonial field, Imam said it was ready to be used.

In fact, the podium that will be used when the ceremony has also been completed has been prepared.

"Everything is functioning 100 percent and ready to be used for the ceremony. There are quite a lot of capacity for the ceremonial field, (the capacity) is 8,000," he said.

As for the progress of the Presidential Office, it has now reached 88.54 percent until July 4, 2024.

Meanwhile, the progress of the Presidential Secretariat and Supporting Building Building Building has reached 92.31 percent.

Imam said that this July is a test month, aka testing so that in August these buildings can be used.

"If the functional target for August 17 starts from the Palace area and the ceremonial field. Then, the Presidential Office hopes (can be completed) this July. Now, almost all of them, yes, we have finished the Garuda blades this July. And all the mechanical electronic components and so on. for the functionality of the building, yes, we will finish everything," he concluded.

Previously, the Chairperson of the IKN Infrastructure Development Task Force at the Ministry of PUPR, Danis Sumadilaga, said that the progress of the presidential palace was more than 70 percent. Meanwhile, the presidential office is almost 90 percent.

"That (Presidential Palace) is around 70 percent. The Presidential Office is almost 90 (percent). So, if 90 add 70, the average is 80 percent of the presidential region, yes," said Danis when met at the PUPR Ministry Office, Jakarta, Friday, June 14.