The Ministry Of Industry Is Optimistic That The 2024 GIIAS Exhibition Boosts Car Sales In Indonesia

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) is optimistic that the 2024 Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show (GIIAS) exhibition will boost car sales in Indonesia.

The domestic sales of cars in Indonesia have fluctuated in the last 10 years.

Car sales in Indonesia in recent years have stagnant at the level of one million units.

"For me, the automotive industry is not (too) worried (like other industries). I am optimistic that automotive (sales) will definitely increase for the last time because there is a GIIAS exhibition," said Acting Director General of Metal, Machinery Industry, Trasnportation and Electronics Equipment (ILMATE) of the Ministry of Industry Putu Juli Ardika when met after a media discussion on Solutions to Overcome Car Market Stagnacy at the Ministry of Industry office, Jakarta, Wednesday, July 10.

Putu explained, one of the causes of stagnation in car sales is the weakening purchasing power of the Indonesian people.

"This causes people to switch who cannot buy new cars to used cars," he said.

Even so, he continued, this year's GIIAS exhibition was able to boost car sales in the country.

"Moreover, there will be a GIIAS exhibition, usually there are many transactions. Later, coming to GIIAS there will definitely be a lot of sales," he said.

For your information, the domestic car sales figure is below the target of 1.05 million units throughout 2023.

Referring to the latest data from the Indonesian Automotive Industry Association (Gaikindo), mobile sales reached 1 million (1,005,802) units throughout 2023, down 4 percent compared to the achievement throughout 2022 of 1.04 million (1,048,040) units.

Sales in retail throughout 2023 reached 998,059 units, down 1.5 percent compared to 2022 which reached 1.01 million (1,013,582) units.