The Ministry Of Finance Gives Incentives Of IDR 500 Billion For Home Tax Subsidies In Semester II-2024

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) has prepared a budget of IDR 500 billion for the extension of the provision of fiscal incentives in the form of Government Borne Value Added Tax (PPN DTP) for the purchase of houses in the second semester of 2024.

As is known, the government has issued regulations for providing government-borne value added tax incentives (PPN DTP) for the purchase of houses of IDR 2 billion to IDR 5 billion in 2024.

The two requirements that must be met by taxpayers to obtain VAT DTP incentives are a maximum selling price of IDR 5 billion and a new state must be submitted in a ready-to-live condition.

Meanwhile, the provision of housing incentives is divided into two terms. The first period takes place on January 1 to June 30, 2024, so the amount of VAT DTP is given 100 percent of the VAT owed.

Meanwhile, the second period which took place on July 1-December 31, 2024 with VAT DTP was given 50 percent of the VAT owed.

The regulation is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 7 of 2024 concerning Value Added Tax on the Submission of Taxes and Flats Borne by the Government for Fiscal Year 2024.

Head of the Fiscal Policy Agency (BKF) of the Ministry of Finance, Febrio Kacaribu, said that more than 10,000 housing units would take advantage of the incentives in the second semester of 2024.

"So it is estimated that in the second semester it is worth Rp. 500 billion and that continues 50 percent, if it reaches June it's 100 percent," Febrio told reporters at the Parliament Complex, Tuesday, July 9.

Febrio explained that the provision of incentives was carried out to maintain the momentum of people's purchasing power and economic growth so that it could be above 5 percent. In addition, a budget of IDR 500 billion was given to 10 thousand houses in the second semester of 2024.

"About 10,000 units for the second half. So that's one we hope to also provide that benefit, especially for the middle class and become a momentum to keep our economic growth above 5 percent," said Febrio.