Wrongly Arresting Setiawan, DPR: Big Mistakes Law Enforcement

JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the DPR RI, Gilang Dhielafararez criticized the wrongful arrest by the West Java Regional Police in the case of Vina's murder in Cirebon. Gilang warned the police that no more people should be used as scapegoats, as happened to Pegi Setiawan.

"Polri dalam menetapkan tersangka orang harus berdasarkan bukti yang cukup, jangan karena pendorong dari masyarakat lalu sejadar bermain tangkap. Jangan lagi rakyat jadi kambing polisi," ujar Gilang kepada wartawan, Rabu, 10 Juli.

Gilang also welcomed the judge's decision to win Pegi Setiawan's lawsuit in Vina's murder case at the Bandung District Court (PN).

According to Gilang, the case experienced by Pegi was a big mistake in law enforcement efforts. He said that this wrongful arrest could damage a person's life in the future.

"The case of wrongful arrest of Pegi Setiawan by the West Java Regional Police is a clear example of how mistakes in law enforcement can damage a person's life. Mistakes like this should not be repeated," said Gilang.

The member of the Commission on Law, Human Rights and Security also emphasized that the Police in carrying out their duties and authorities should be carried out correctly and fairly. Gilang assessed that the National Police had injured the mandate in providing protection, protection, and services to the community in the Pegi case.

One of the tasks and obligations of the police is to provide protection to the public. But in Vina's case, it is not reflected. We hope that in the future the Police can be careful in carrying out investigations and arrests," he said.

Gilang reminded that law enforcement must be carried out carefully and based on strong evidence. This Pegi case shows that the police have done a wrong standard operating procedure (SOP) so it needs to be evaluated.

"We encourage the police to evaluate their SOPs to prevent wrongful arrests in the future," said Gilang.

Gilang also asked the West Java Regional Police to give moral and material responsibility to Pegi Setiawan for the mistakes that occurred. Thus, he said, it can increase public confidence in the integrity, professionalism and accuracy of the Police.

"We ask that the police not only apologize officially, but also provide proper compensation as a form of responsibility and recognition for the mistakes that occurred," said the Deputy Chairman of the DPR's Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP).

"Professionalism, integrity, and accuracy in handling cases must be a top priority," he continued.

Gilang ensured that Commission III of the DPR RI would oversee the disclosure of Vina's murder case until the suspect was actually revealed for the sake of law enforcement and human rights in Indonesia. He said the Police were partners of Commission III of the DPR RI so that they did not rule out working meetings to discuss this.

"We will oversee the investigation of this case until the actual perpetrators are revealed. Maybe later we will ask for a detailed explanation in the working meeting," explained the Central Java II electoral district legislator.

Gilang also expressed his concern over the grief felt by the family of the late Vina because there was no clarity regarding the causes and suspects in this murder incident. Commission III of the DPR RI hopes that no more similar cases will occur in the future.

"We hope that every law enforcement is carried out very carefully and based on clear evidence, in order to realize a law that is truly fair and transparent in Indonesia," concluded Gilang.