Pengakuan Pegi Setiawan: Saat Pemeriksaan Kepala Dibuka Juga Dimasukan Bagong Kresek

JAKARTA - Pegi Setiawan said that he had received harsh treatment from investigators at the beginning of the investigation into the case of the alleged murder of Vina and Eky Cirebon. Not only was he hit, investigators are said to have put his head in a plastic bag.

This confession was conveyed by Pegi after being released from detention as the pretrial lawsuit regarding his determination as a suspect was granted.

It started when Pegi Setiawan said that investigators were treated rudely by investigators after being arrested. He had insults until he was hit.

"There was a beating," said Pegi, quoted on Tuesday, July 9.

The investigators' harsh treatment began to decrease when the attorneys began to accompany them.

However, Pegi remembers very well the last violence committed by investigators against him. At that time, his face was put in a plastic bag.

This made it difficult for him to breathe. Luckily, the action taken by the investigator did not last long.

"There was that from investigators who entered me into the crackle, to my face it was almost just not long, I couldn't breathe it. I tried to rebel, they didn't keep them open for long," said Pegi, telling the conditions at the time.

After that, Pegi never experienced violence again. In fact, after his arrest became the public spotlight, the attitude of investigators changed. They are more subtle to him.

"No (there is no more violence), Alhamdulillah it is safe," said Pegi.

Peti Setiawan was released based on a pretrial decision. The sole judge of the Bandung District Court, Eman Sulaeman, ordered the West Java Police to immediately release Pegi Setiawan from detention.

The order is a pretrial decision that won the Pegi Setiawan camp over his determination as a suspect in the alleged murder case against Vina and Eky Cirebon.

"Ordered the respondent to release the applicant from detention," said Judge Eman during a trial at the Bandung District Court, Monday, July 8.

The respondent, namely the West Java Regional Police, was also ordered to stop the investigation process against Pegi Setiawan.

"Ordered the respondent to stop the investigation of the applicant," said Judge Eman.