Targeting Production Increase Above 50,000 BOEPD, PetroChina Drills 9 Wells

JAKARTA - PetroChina International Jabung Ltd. (PCJL) is committed to increasing production above 50,000 BOEPD through several development and innovation programs.

To increase production, PetroChina Jabung Ltd (PCJL) is collaborating with a number of Jabung partners, consisting of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Jabung, Petronas Carigali (Jabung) Ltd., PT GPI Jabung Indonesia, and PT Raharja Energi Tanjung Jabung, PCJL this year plans a drilling program in nine development wells and exploration activities in NEB BASE-3.

As of June 2024, PCJL has started drilling in five development wells. Meanwhile, the exploration program in NEB BASE-3 and the 3D & 2D Seismic Survey in the eastern region of the Jabung Working Area is being carried out.

"Currently, the seismic survey is preparing to enter the recording stage. A series of tests in the NEB BASE-3 exploration well are also still ongoing. We expect good results from these programs," said PCJL President Director Qian Mingyang as quoted on Tuesday, July 9.

The 3D & 2D Seismic Survey will begin in December 2023 in Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency.

The 3D survey was carried out in the Ketemu and Rukam Prospects, while the 2D survey was carried out in several areas in the eastern region of Jabung.

Meanwhile, other development programs in 2024 include well maintenance activities, construction of additional production facilities, and routine repairs of several compressors.

During the extension of the Jabung Working Area contract for 2023 - 2043. PCJL is committed to realizing the Definite Work Commitment (KKP), including investing in the Pre-Feasibility Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) study.

"We are also opening up opportunities to be involved in more oil and gas working areas in Indonesia," added Qian.

Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Program and Communication Division, Hudi D Suryodipuro asked KKKS to continue implementing exploration and exploitation commitments in accordance with the 2024 wpnb proposal.

According to Hudi, PetroChina's work area in Jambi still has large and promising reserve potential to continue to be developed so that it can increase oil and gas production.

"SKK Migas continues to encourage exploration well drilling activities to run smoothly and achieve the expected targets," said Hudi.

In addition to conducting exploration in the oil and gas work area, PCJL also collaborates with local governments and local communities around Jabung to create community development and empowerment programs in accordance with the principles of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG).

Some of the programs implemented this year are the construction of rigid concrete roads and training for batik and songket entrepreneur groups.

PCJL also collaborated with local communities in West Tanjung Jabung Regency to plant 35,000 mangrove seedlings in June and will continue a similar program by planting 16,000 seedlings in East Tanjung Jabung Regency.