Rizieq Shihab Is Positive For COVID-19, But Still Receives Guests And Eats Together At UMMI Hospital

JAKARTA - The defendant Rizieq Shihab in the hoax and chaos case is still receiving guests while undergoing treatment at the UMMI Hospital in Bogor, West Java. In fact, at that time Rizieq Shihab tested positive for COVID-19.

This is known based on the video showing the defendant eating with his family in the President suite room of the UMMI Hospital, Bogor.

"The video that was broadcast on Kompas TV's Youtube channel on the Kompas Petang program with the title 'Circulating Rizieq Shihab's Video at the Bogor UMMI Hospital, Family: Alhamdullilah Healthy'," said the prosecutor reading the indictment in court at the East Jakarta District Court, Friday, March 19.

"That the video shows being treated at the UMMI Hospital, Bogor City, still receiving guests from the family and carrying out a group meal in the President suite room of the UMMI Hospital," continued the prosecutor.

In fact, at that time the defendant Rizieq Shihab and his wife, Fadlun binti Fadil were declared COVID-19. Therefore, Rizieq Shihab's actions could lead to the spread of COVID-19.

"Even though the statement in the video did not match the results of the antigen swab examination by dr. Hadiki Habib against the defendant and his wife who were declared COVID-19, it was confirmed by the results of the examination by dr. Nerina Mayakartifa as the medical record of UMMI Hospital number 022678 on behalf of Moh. Rizieq with a diagnosis of COVID-19 Pneumonia, "said the prosecutor.

Previously, Rizieq Shihab was charged with spreading fake news or hoaxes which caused confusion about his health condition which was confirmed positive for COVID-19 while at UMMI Hospital in Bogor, West Java.

Rizieq Shihab was charged with spreading fake news through a video recording which was later shown on a private TV.

"In the video the defendant appears providing information and information that contains: Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh, alhandulillah wa thank God, I am currently at the UMMI hospital and soon we will return home," continued the prosecutor.

Rizieq Shihab was charged with Article 14 paragraph (1), paragraph (2), Article 15 of Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning Criminal Law Regulations and / or Article 14 paragraph (1), paragraph (2) of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 years 1984 concerning Communicable Disease Outbreaks and / or Article 216 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.