Synopsis Of The Film Harta, Tahta, Boru Ni Raja Who Is Ready To Show 11 July

JAKARTA - After the success of the Pariban Film, Producer Agustinus Sitorus again presented a new work that raised Batak culture, a romantic comedy drama film entitled Harta, Tahta, Boru Ni Raja.

PIM Pictures' latest production collaborates with the Lake Toba Authority (BPODT) and Screen Production in the process.

In a question and answer talk with the media, Agustinus Sitorus as the Director and Producer of the Harta, Tahta Film, Boru Ni Raja explained the reason why he directly became a director in this film.

"The idea of the story and the ideas and scenarios of this film was written by me, so I want the shooting process to be in accordance with what I imagined before and Praise God everything went smoothly," said Agustinus Sitorus in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Monday, July 8.

President Director of the Lake Toba Implementing Agency (BPODT), Jimmy Bernando Panjaitan, explained that this film is the first film of the plan for 8 films to be made by BPODT with PIM PICTURES.

"We are aware that the first film is still far from perfect, but it is hoped that the second film entitled Antara Mama, Love and Heaven: Nommensen's Love Language, which has completed the shooting process can be better than the film Harta Tahta Boru Ni Raja," explained Jimmy Bernando.

Mark Natama Saragi, acting as Jerry Panjaitan, explained that this is a rare opportunity that is offered to him so that when he is offered direct acceptance and it turns out that the double combo can get a vacation as well as work at Lake Toba. Of course, the project of this film is very fun, and can't wait to see this film in Cinema.

Harta, Tahta, Boru Ni Raja tells the story of Jerry Tan (Panjaitan) whose thesis title is always rejected by lecturers, left behind by his 3 best friends Elin, Aliya and Hendro who graduated first. Through the suggestion of his friends, his thesis title was accepted which discusses the history of the National figure DI Panjaitan, requiring Jerry to go to his yard in Balige for the first time along with his 3 friends, for his thesis research. It turned out that apart from completing the thesis, in his hometown he also had to finish his love story.

This film is in accordance with film lovers among young people, a series of teenage idols are present to cast in this film, including Mark Natama Saragi, Novia Situmeang, Frislly Herlind, Fadlan Marijuana, Fahira Almira, Jenda Ras Yuanda Munthe, Tabita Christabela, Dinal Sitorus, Wahyu Dito, Galih Indharto, Nelson Lumbantoruan, Catherine Panjaitan, as well as the Antar Rap Foundation.