DPR Asks For The Ministry Of Youth And Sports To 'Install Bodies' To Face The Indonesian Badminton Team In All England

JAKARTA - Member of Commission X DPR RI, AS Sukawijaya asked the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) to "install an agency" to guard the case that was befalling the Indonesian badminton team at the All England tournament in England.

According to the man who is often called Yoyok Sukawi, Kemenpora must be able to find a solution to the incident that is being experienced by the Indonesian badminton team.

"The Indonesian badminton team is your mainstay, with many achievements. In the midst of a situation like this, Kemenpora must install a body, "said Yoyok to reporters, Thursday, March 18.

Yoyok assessed that the government, both Kemenpora and Kemenlu, must also be able to find the real reason or cause and effect. The reason is, there is unfair treatment for the Indonesian badminton team with other countries' teams.

"Try to confirm again to the BWF and the All England organizers, how come they report different treatment. This must be confirmed," said Yoyok.

"If indeed British government regulations are like that, that's okay. But if there is a different treatment, this must be asked, "continued the member of the Commission who is in charge of sports affairs.

Yoyok also asked the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in the UK to ensure that the situation being befallen the Indonesian badminton team is in accordance with its realm.

"The embassy in England must also be present, ask the organizers and sports-related parties there as well. How is the completion and facilitation as well as quarantine if it is still needed. Do not let our best athletes be confused about what to do there, "concluded the member of the DPR from the Democratic Party.

As is known, the Indonesian badminton team was forced to withdraw from the All England tournament. This news is busy after the uploads of several Indonesian badminton players on social media. One of them is the men's doubles player, Marcus Gideon on his personal Instagram on the early hours of Thursday, March 18.

According to Marcus, this incident began when there was news that one of the passengers on the same plane as an Indonesian badminton player tested positive for COVID-19.

According to UK government regulations, if a person is on the same plane with another person who is positive for COVID-19, then the person concerned must undergo isolation for ten days.

However, according to Marcus Gideon, all components of the Indonesian badminton team had tested for COVID-19 and tested negative before leaving and arriving in England.

What made the anger of Marcus Gideon and other Indonesian badminton players peaked because previously the All England committee had delayed the opening because there were seven positive cases that had befallen other countries. However, the Badminton World Federation (BWF) then decided to retest and all of them have tested negative and are allowed to compete.

Meanwhile, the case that befell the Indonesian contingent was immediately asked to resign without any intention of retesting or looking for other solutions.