Central Kalimantan Police Handling Corruption Cases At The Expo Kotim Building Of IDR 31 Billion

PALANGKARAYA - Investigators from the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) of the Central Kalimantan Police (Kalteng) have confirmed that the alleged corruption case in the construction of the Expo Building opposite the November 29, Kotim Stadium, is still being investigated.

"We continue to investigate related to the alleged corruption in the construction of the Expo Building in Kotim, investigators are still developing, later it will be conveyed in detail how the case progresses," said Head of Public Relations of the Central Kalimantan Police, Kombes Pol Erlan Munaji, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, July 5.

To note, there are three people who are reported to have become suspects, namely ZR from the Kotim ASN, LM from the partner, and FR from the consultant.

Responding to the news, Erlan said that later investigators from the Central Kalimantan Police Ditreskrimsus would immediately convey developments related to the case, including whether they had carried out intensive examinations of three people who were reportedly named suspects in the case.

"Regarding this, later we will communicate with the investigators, whether they have examined in detail the three people. I will ask later, so that later the information provided is really accurate to the media crew," he said.

Erlan emphasized that his party would carry out tasks according to the rules and continue to deepen various evidences and statements of witnesses. Although at this time it is still unable to provide detailed information regarding the development of the alleged corruption case of the Expo Kotim Building.

"Essentially, related to the case, the handling was carried out by the Central Kalimantan Police Ditreskrimsus," he explained.

To note, the Expo Kotim Building project is one of a number of projects built in the previous period of government or before the Regent of Kotim Halikinnor took office.

The construction of the building is a multi-year or multi-year project that cost more than IDR 31 billion, using the Regional Revenue Budget (APBD) for the 2019 fiscal year implemented by the East Kotim Trade and Industry Office (Disperindag).

The project was also carried out by PT Heral Eranio Jaya as a contractor and CV Mentaya Geographic Consultindo as the supervisory party.

The police have also been investigating the case since last year. Investigators from the Central Kalimantan Police Ditreskrimsus have also immediately gone to the location to check the building. Last year, investigators from the police also raised the case to the investigation stage.