Ministry Of Finance: 200 Percent Import Duty Policy For Goods From China Is Still Discussed By Various Parties

JAKARTA - Head of the Fiscal Policy Agency (BKF) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) Febrio Kacaribu said the plan regarding import duties with a value of up to 200 percent on goods from China is still being discussed by various parties. "We see that together, so especially the Ministry of Industry said that we have to look upstream to downstream. Starting from raw materials such as fiber, then to fabrics, to finished clothes, now everything has production in Indonesia," he said. Febrio told reporters at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Friday, July 5. He said the government wanted to keep production in Indonesia running well in the midst of conditions in China that experienced overcapacity, causing excessive exports and dumping practices. "So we see how production in Indonesia can continue to run well in the middle of now, especially conditions in China overcapacity, so there are indeed excessive exports and sometimes it can also be proven that they sell by dumping," he also said.Dumping is a trading practice carried out by exporters by selling goods abroad at a lower price than domestic prices. "Well, what we are currently preparing together, there is the Ministry of Industry, there is the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Industry also discusses with associations, so we see in full from upstream to downstream, later we will decide immediately to set it as an agreed rate," he said. For that, cross-stakeholders are still discussing the amount or import duty tariff that will be agreed. "This is not only BKF itself. So if the governance, there is input from the industry concerned, then it is closed, there are two levels of meeting for the first national interest team, then the last one is in the tariff team, we will decide later," he said. also. Previously, the Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan revealed that he would impose import duties, even with a value of up to 200 percent on goods from China, in addressing the issue of the trade war between the Bamboo Curtain Country and the United States (US). The Chinese and US trade wars, explained by Zulkifli Hasan, led to "overcapacity" and "over supply" in China, which flooded Indonesia, including clothing, steel, textiles, and so on, due to the market Western countries reject them. "So for one day or two, hopefully the candy will be finished. If it is finished, then what we call entry duties will be imposed, we use tariffs as a way out to protect heavy goods from entering here," said Zulkifli, in Bandung, West Java, Friday, June 28.

Begitu juga dengan rencana pemerintah meningkatkan bea masuk untuk sejumlah komoditas tersebut hingga 200 persen, Kamar Dagang dan Industri (Kadin) Indonesia meminta kepada Kementerian Perdagangan dan juga kementerian/lembaga agar dapat melibatkan pelaku usaha, asosiasi, dan himpunan melalui forum dialog guna penyempurnaan kebijakan dan menghindari semua dampak negatif yang mungkin timbul.Meskipun ada wacana kenaikan bea masuk hingga 200 persen, Kadin mengimbau agar Kementerian Perdagangan, tetap mendukung semangat Fasilitasi Perdagangan dan Iklim Kemudahan Berusaha, sehingga pertumbuhan kinerja ekspor nasional maupun iklim investasi tetap bertumbuh dan terjaga."Kami mendorong agar kebijakan pembatasan impor tidak menyulitkan dunia usaha dan industri dalam mendapatkan bahan baku dan penolong sekaligus, di saat bersamaan memastikan iklim investasi yang kondusif dan meningkatkan penguatan industri bagi daya saing lebih baik," kata Wakil Ketua Umum Koordinator Bidang Organisasi, Hukum, dan Komunikasi Kadin Indonesia Yukki Nugrahawan Hanafi dalam pernyataan di Jakarta, Rabu 3 Juli.