Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Affirms CAT Related To The Case Of The Chairman Of The Indonesian KPU Not Diplomat
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that the woman with the initials CAT who is a member of the Overseas Election Committee (PPLN) in the case related to the Chairman of the Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU), is not a diplomat.
Spokesperson for the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Roy Soemirat in his statement dismissed reports from a number of media that said that the PPLN member of The Hague, Netherlands who was mentioned in the immoral case of KPU Chairman Hasyim Asy'ari was a diplomat.
"We have to clarify and provide clarification, the individual concerned is not an Indonesian diplomat and is not an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Indonesian Embassy in The Hague," Roy explained in his statement on Thursday, July 4.
"The person concerned is an Indonesian citizen who lives in the Netherlands and at the time of the incident was a member of PPLN The Hague," he said.
"PPLN members usually consist of elements of the Indonesian Representative and Indonesian people in the local country," said Roy.
It is known that Hasyim Asy'ari was dismissed from the position of Chairman of the General Elections Commission (KPU) by the Honorary Council of Election Organizers (DKPP).
DKPP imposed a permanent dismissal sanction on Hasyim Asy'ari as the chairman and concurrently a member of the KPU, related to the alleged immoral case against a member of the National Election Committee (PPLN) of The Hague, Netherlands, with the initials CAT.
The verdict was read out in the trial of the verdict for alleged violation of the code of ethics at the DKPP RI Office, Jakarta, Wednesday, July 3.
DKPP granted the complainant's complaint entirely, and asked the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo to replace Hasyim within seven days of the reading of the verdict.