Drug Circulation Getting Tighter During The Pandemic, Barbuk Sabu Raised 143 Percent In Just 3 Months

JAKARTA - The head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), Petrus R. Golose, said the circulation of narcotics during the pandemic has actually increased.

According to him, the demand for these illicit goods is still high even in the COVID-19 situation. He suspects this condition is due to work from home being abused into drug abuse from home.

Petrus gave an example, BNN obtained 3,462.75 kg of methamphetamine evidence (barbuk) in the last 3 months. This amount is higher than the amount of evidence in 2020 of 1,152.2 kg.

"So, only 3 months we have carried out this operation, the input or what we can confiscate is 70.99 percent, as well as evidence of marijuana from 2021 to March 2021 of 3,462.75 kg or an increase of 143.64 percent compared to goods In 2020, only 2,410 were carried out by our institution, "said Petrus during his presentation at a work meeting at the DPR building, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, March 18.

Meanwhile, the handling of victims of drug abuse is carried out through the provision of quality rehabilitation services through outreach to the community.

"Provision of rehabilitation service facilities owned by the government and the community that comply with standards and increasing the capacity of human resources for rehabilitation service personnel," he said.

Meanwhile, the process of investigating drugs was carried out by forming the Bersinar Village.

Meanwhile, in the context of investigating the abuse and illicit trafficking of narcotics, added Petrus, the BNN also carried out activities, namely the formation of the Shining Village.

"Regarding drugs, our policies are prevention and eradication of the abuse and illicit narcotics in a professional manner with stakeholders at the national, regional and international levels," he concluded.