Badanas Encourages All Synergized Parties To Reduce Sustainable And Food Remaining In Indonesia

JAKARTA - The National Food Agency (Bapanas) encourages the role of all parties to build synergies and collaborations in management and reduce aftershocks and food remains in Indonesia.

"Banas encourages the establishment of strong synergies and collaboration of food-related stakeholders to reduce the sustainability and remainder of food in Indonesia," said Deputy for Diversity and Food Safety, Badanas Andriko Noto Susanto in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday, July 4.

He said that Bapanas is ready to synergize to manage the remaining food/food loss and waste (FLW), considering that Indonesia is in third place with the largest food waste producer in the world, after the United States and Saudi Arabia.

Andriko emphasized this after attending the opening of the Green Economy Expo 2024, which took place at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Wednesday (3/7).

According to him, efforts to reduce FLW in Indonesia are very urgent because it does not only have an impact on food security but also on the environment and economy.

Andriko also appreciated the launch of the Food Sustainable and Sustainable Roadmap by Bappenas.

He hopes it will serve as a guide for all stakeholders in implementing the best practice of reducing food waste and increasing food efficiency.

Andriko said that based on data from the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), it shows that Indonesia produces between 23 and 48 million tons of food waste every year.

This amount is equivalent to food needs for 61 to 125 million people, or 29 to 47 percent of Indonesia's population.

According to him, this problem is getting serious attention by the inclusion of food waste management in the 2025-2029 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN).

Meanwhile, the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa emphasized the importance of strategic steps in dealing with food waste problems in Indonesia.

"Food waste management is a critical step in achieving food security and environmental sustainability. By launching a roadmap for monitoring and food remains, we hope to provide clear guidance for all stakeholders to actively contribute," said Suharso.

Previously, Head of Badanas Arief Prasetyo Adi said that his party was drafting regulations to answer factual conditions where food waste (food waste) is one of the challenges in the food sector.

"Currently, we are preparing an urgency manuscript related to food rescue efforts and regulations later in the form of a Presidential Regulation (Perpres)," said Arief.

The regulations regulated in the form of Presidential Decree have gone through a study conducted by Badanas involving the participation of experts, practitioners, across ministries of institutions, and input from various relevant stakeholders, especially from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

"We continue to process in parallel to formulate a legal umbrella for food rescue arrangements in the form of laws according to the mandate of the DPR. This is of course in order to cover food rescue regulations which can then be lowered in Government Regulations and regulations under which are more operational," said Arief.

However, Arief admitted that his party would carry out in stages with the initial arrangements in the form of a Presidential Decree on the basis of consideration of the results of a study and consultation with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

"This Presidential Regulation will provide more detailed regulatory opportunities for operation," said Arief.