After Ordering Street Vendors, Bogor Regency Government Starts Recording Illegal Villas In Puncak

The Bogor Regency Government (Pemkab) through the Housing, Settlement and Land Office (DPKPP) has started to record illegal villas in the Puncak tourist area.

"We, through UPT (Technical Implementation Unit) II in Ciawi, are recording the validity of villas in Puncak," said Head of the Bogor Regency DPKPP Teuku Mulya in Cibinong, Bogor Regency, Thursday, July 4, as reported by Antara.

The Bogor Regency Government (Pemkab) will give a warning three times to villa owners after data collection is carried out, as a confirmation effort.

"If there is no permit, we will give a warning letter three times, the first, second, third warnings. Now, after the third warning, there is no confirmation from the person concerned (the owner), we will delegate it to the Satpol PP to control the building," he said.

Teuku explained that later the Bogor Regency Satpol PP would give tolerance to illegal villa owners to demolish independently.

He ensured that the control of this illegal villa would be carried out in all Puncak Tourism Areas, including.

"The mechanism is like that. Anyway, in the areas of Puncak, Megamendung and Cisarua and others," said Teuku.

It is known that the Acting (Pj) Regent of Bogor Asmawa Tosepu is now eyeing illegal villas in the Puncak tourist area after moving street vendors (PKL) to the Gunung Mas Rest Area.

"One by one, for sure (regulated), the governor's orders clearly enforce the rules, and while I am still an official in Bogor I will enforce it, I will make the law the commander in chief," said Asmawa.

However, said Asmawa, the Bogor Regency Government will carry out control in stages, considering that the number is not small.

"First, our personnel are not enough to immediately solve everything, but gradually, I will follow the mechanism, I will follow the rules in that stage," said Asmawa.