Solo Mothers, Remember The Message Mas Wali Gibran! Pick Up Children, Don't Roam Around Internet Cafes And Malls

JAKARTA - The Municipal Government (Pemkot) of Solo continues to accelerate the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination. In February-Meret, vaccines have been given to market traders to TNI-Polri personnel.

Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka said that the next vaccine target is teachers at various levels of education, from elementary, junior high, high school to college. Gibran targets that by next July, vaccinations can be completed.

This is also related to the plan of the Solo City Government in face-to-face learning activities. So far, several schools are busy making face-to-face learning simulations.

"So later in face-to-face learning, 50 percent face-to-face, 50 percent remain online. All schools are required to simulate, including high school, campus and others. God willing, I will catch up next week so the children can go to school again," said Gibran. reported by the Surakarta news youtube channel, Thursday, March 18.

Gibran added that the supervision of parents or guardians of students must be strict if face-to-face teaching and learning activities are carried out. School children must be escorted by their parents.

"Don't finish school, instead go to an internet cafe or mall, don't get the point! Delivered and picked up, if the child is not fit, there is no need to force him to go to school, he can still attend lessons at home," said President Joko Widodo's eldest son.