Cooperation Between PT East West Seed Indonesia And Postgraduate School IPB, Encourages Human Resource Development For Horticulture

JAKARTA - Human resource development is always the key in supporting innovation in various industries, including the horticultural seed industry. With the spirit of collaboration between industry and academics, today PT East Seed Indonesia (EWINDO) and the Postgraduate School of the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) signed a Special Implementation Education Cooperation Agreement for the Planting and Biotechnology Master Program (Magister PBT).

This event took place at the Department of Agronomi and Horticulture building of the Faculty of Agriculture, Graduate School, IPB, Bogor. This collaboration includes the implementation of the PBT Masters program for employees of the EWINDO Research and Development Division for the 2024/2025 to 2025/2026 school year, to develop knowledge and technology that supports superior, modern and sustainable agriculture.

This special class graduate is expected to have competence in the field of plant breeding and biotechnology for creative, innovative and participatory tropical plants, as well as being recognized nationally and internationally.

During the signing of this collaboration, the Research and Development Director of PT East West Seed Indonesia, Fatkhu Rokhman, said that his party was grateful to the Postgraduate School IPB for this partnership.

"At EWINDO, we believe that with high-quality vegetable seeds and the best service for the welfare of farmers. In providing quality seeds, the process of breeding plants plays a key role. Therefore, the development of human resources for the plant breeding profession is very much needed. This program is also a manifestation of the EWINDO Academy as a forum for employee self-development, one of whose pillars is education improvement'. We hope that this collaboration can encourage the development of vegetable superior varieties, so that in the end it will advance the Indonesian horticultural agricultural sector," he explained, in a written statement, Wednesday, July 3.

The Dean of the Postgraduate School of IPB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat, M.Sc.F.Trop said that the PBT Master Study program has a vision as an international leading center (center of excellence) in developing human resources capable of conducting research and biotechnology for tropical plants.

"We are very pleased with the signing of this cooperation, and hope that the PS Masters of PBT curriculum can support EWINDO plant cultivators to become superior intellectuals with professional competence in the agricultural era 4.0, as well as facilitate the growth and development ecosystem through providing a conducive academic atmosphere," he said.

EWINDO's collaboration with IPB University in the Tri Dharma Pillars of Higher Education (education, research and community service) has been going on for a long time. The signing of this collaboration further emphasizes the efforts of both parties in developing human resources through partnerships between academics and industry, which are expected to produce more and more impactful details in the form of developing superior vegetables that will later be enjoyed by the wider community.

In terms of implementing innovation and technology, EWINDO plant breeding facilities are also at the forefront of the horticultural seed industry. Several superior varieties of 'Red Arrow Sup' seeds resulting from EWINDO plant breeding that have an impact on improving farmers' welfare include:

1. SERVO F1 tomatoes that are resistant to Gemini Virus (GV) with a harvest life of around 60-70 days after planting (HST) and a potential yield of 50-60 tons/Ha2. AMARA F1 season that is resistant to GSB disease with a harvest life of around 58-62 HST and a potential yield of 33-39 tons/Ha3. Cayennes of Kering TANGGUH F1 which is also resistant to GV, bacterial wilted and rotted stems, with a harvest life of around 80-85 HST and a potential yield of 14-21 tons/Ha