Commission II Of The House Of Representatives Respects DKPP's Decision To Fire KPU Chairman Hasyim Asy'ari

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR Yanuar Concerned about respecting the DKPP decision that dismissed Hasyim Asy'ari from the position of Chairman of the KPU. According to him, this is the authority of the DKPP in processing violations committed by the KPU commissioner.

"This means that what DKPP does is in accordance with the facts of the trial, then in accordance with its authority. Living now is how in the future it will be replaced, and the replacement has been regulated by law, so it is not too difficult," Yanuar told reporters, Wednesday, July 3.

Yanuar said Commission II of the DPR would immediately summon the Ministry of Home Affairs and DKPP in the near future to ask for an explanation regarding this dismissal.

"Yes (consulting with the Ministry of Home Affairs). It is certain that later we will also call the DKPP to explore this topic. We want to hear directly from the DKPP and we also want to hear the views of the Ministry of Home Affairs," he said.

Regarding the replacement mechanism, said Yanuar, it is just a matter of selecting a new chairman from the existing KPU commissioner. The process, he said, was confirmed to Commission II of the DPR by consulting with the Ministry of Home Affairs. Furthermore, consultations will be discussed in Commission II of the DPR to be followed up and then decision-making.

"Yes, it will automatically be the next serial number. So there will be no more committee formation, selection team formation. Not anymore, right, follow the serial number. I just forgot who the next order was. If I'm not mistaken, Ryan. Only Ryan is the deceased," he said.

Yanuar said, Hasyim Asy'ari automatically stopped as a member of the KPU if the dismissal sanction was not only as chairman. Later, he said, Hasyim's membership as a commissioner would be replaced with a new member.

"Yes, if his dismissal from membership also means a replacement for a new member. But if it's just from his position, the members are still, not the replacement stage. But if the position plus membership is also there must also be a replacement," he concluded.

The Honorary Board of Election Organizers (DKPP) of the Republic of Indonesia has sentenced Hasyim Asy'ari to be dismissed from the position of Chairman of the General Elections Commission (KPU).

Hasyim as the defendant was found guilty of immoral acts against one of the overseas election committees (PPLN) for the 2024 General Election, The Hague, the Netherlands.

"Imposing a permanent dismissal sanction to the defendant Hasyim Asy'ari as chairman and member of the Indonesian General Elections Commission since the verdict was read out," said Chairman of the Indonesian DKPP Heddy Lugito in a hearing reading the verdict in the DKPP RI courtroom, Jakarta, broadcast on YouTube DKPP RI, Wednesday 3 July.

In the trial of case Number 90/PKE-DKPP/V/2024, the Indonesian DKPP granted the complainant entirely.

DKPP also asked President Joko Widodo to replace Hasyim within 7 days of the reading of the verdict.