Reported By NGOs, French Citizens Who Businessed In Gili Trawangan Turned Out To Have Been Deported In 2023

MATARAM - The Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of West Nusa Tenggara is investigating the alleged immigration violation of a French businessman named David Alexandre Guy de Faria who runs a business in Gili Trawangan, North Lombok Regency.Head of Immigration Licensing and Information Division of the Immigration Office of the NTB Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Made Hepi, said that this search was a follow-up to public reports."So, we will follow up on this report by first studying evidence of immigration violations attached to the report," said Made in Mataram, Antara, Wednesday, July 3.In the process of reviewing the report, his party will also conduct an examination of David. This examination will run under the control of the Mataram Immigration Office."We from the regional office (regional office) will directly monitor the inspection at the Mataram Immigration Office," he said.His party also opened space for reporters to participate in monitoring the progress of handling reports at the Mataram Immigration Office."If evidence is found in the examination of immigration violations, believe me, we will follow up according to the rules. The reporter can also monitor developments," he said.For the time being, his party has been tracing David's immigration records while in NTB. On March 15, 2023, he said, the Mataram Immigration Office took immigration administrative action against David, namely deportation to a French country.From the records of the Mataram Immigration Office, David committed immigration violations because he was proven to have concurrent positions in the company PT Carpedien which is engaged in lodging business in Gili Trawangan.Following up on these findings, the Mataram Immigration Office deported David to his home country through Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali. Apart from deportation, immigration applies prevention against David.Regarding David's whereabouts, who is now returning to Lombok Island, it is known that the immigration authorities are in accordance with immigration procedures, namely that the deterrence period against David has expired and is no longer valid."In accordance with existing regulations, David is noted to have ended his deterrence period, so he can enter Indonesia through any immigration examination," said Made.This time, David returned to Lombok using a limited stay permit card (kitas) for investors with a company guarantor from PT Gili Investor Lombok Indonesia."So, no longer using PT Carpedien, it was an old guarantor company when he was deported in 2023," said Made.People who came to report David to the Mataram Immigration Office came from the NTB Community Organization Association. Before submitting the report, they held an oration in front of the Mataram Immigration Office.Fathurrahman Lord, one of the representatives of the reporter, stated that the data attached to the report relates to David's alleged illegal business activities in Gili Trawangan."The data we convey in this report is based on the results of investigations in the field," said Lord.The data relates to a number of illegal David's businesses that run at the inn business owned by PT Carpedien in Gili Trawangan."First, what we have reported and processed to the NTB Police is related to groundwater drilling and the sale of water from drilling to the public. He sells it at a price of Rp. 15 thousand per gallon," he said.In addition, sales of high-level alcoholic beverages at their inns. The business of selling alcoholic beverages is thought to have run without a permit.Lord's colleague Zarlan added that his party in the report also included evidence of sending and receiving money in the amount of hundreds of millions to one billion rupiah to Blunt Limited, which is based in Hong Kong."From our findings, it was suspected that David, who is also the President Director of Blunt Limited, deliberately made a fraudulent company in Hong Kong to avoid taxes in Indonesia. This is the mode of money laundering, immigration must investigate this issue," said Zarlan.
Achmad Badminton, who also joined the reporting group, confirmed that his party would oversee the current investigation at the Mataram Immigration Office."We will see to what extent David's violation of the law is. In essence, we are taking this step so that the investment climate in NTB goes well, and we hope that this process can be a deterrent effect for foreigners who try to play with state law," he said.