Garuda Indonesia Prepares Replacement Aircraft For The Repatriation Of Hajj Pilgrims

Garuda Indonesia airline ensures that the replacement aircraft due to the return to base (RTB) on the GA-6239 flight on the Solo-Jeddah route using the Airbus 330-300 aircraft, one of the rental fleets prepared to serve this year's Hajj flights.

President Director of Garuda Indonesia, Irfan Setiaputra, said that the cause of the RTB was due to technical problems in one of the aircraft engines, so checking and follow-up to fleet maintenance procedures were required.

"As soon as the plane took off, the pilot in command (PIC) found a cockpit indicator showing the condition of one of the aircraft engines that required further checks, so that the next PIC quickly decided to carry out the RTB procedure to Solo," said Irfan, quoted from ANTARA, Wednesday, July 3.

The plane with registration number T7-MMM consisting of three cockpit crews and 11 cabin crew members returned to Adi Sumarmo Airport, Solo, at 21.07 local time.

The flight crew carried out the process in accordance with the provisions of the applicable safety procedures.

Garuda Indonesia has also coordinated with the relevant aviation authorities to ensure follow-up to handling aircraft, including the aircraft withdrawal procedure to the parking stand to ensure that there is no operational impact on the RTB incident.

Garuda Indonesia has now optimized the mitigation of replacement aircraft to serve the operation of Hajj flights in the repatriation phase from Jeddah.

"We certainly ensure that the readiness of the replacement aircraft has gone through a series of fleet feasibility inspection procedures as a whole before being flown back to Jeddah in the early hours of the morning, Wednesday, in line with our commitment to always prioritize safety aspects in all flight services," said Irfan.