Stabat-Tanjung Pura Toll Road Will Be Applied Tariffs In The Near Future

JAKARTA - PT Hutama Karya in the near future will adjust the Binjai Langsa Section 1 (Binjai-Stabat) toll tariff and set the Section 2 (Stabat-Tanjung Pura) following the issuance of a Decree (SK) of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) No. 1748 of 2024.

Executive Vice President (EVP) Corporate Secretary Hutama Karya Adjib Al Hakim said the Binjai-Stabat Toll Road had been operating since 2022.

During the two years of operation, Hutama Karya added facilities, both in terms of traffic and transactions, as well as improving quality in accordance with the Standard Service Minimal (SPM).

For this matter, it is necessary to adjust the toll road tariffs where referring to Article 48 paragraph (3) and (4) of Law no. 2/2022 concerning roads, it is necessary to make toll road tariff adjustments every 2 years based on the influence of the inflation rate and evaluation of the fulfillment of SPM.

"This tariff adjustment is important to maintain a conducive toll road investment climate that affects the sustainability of this toll road. The implementation of this new tariff will be implemented after intensive socialization is carried out so that it can run well," said Adjib Al Hakim as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 2.

Meanwhile, the Binjai Toll Road Section 2 of the Stabat Segment - Kuala Bingai has been operating without tariffs or unpaid since September 2023 and the Kuala Bingai Segment - Tanjung Pura Segment since January 2024,

He explained that the enthusiasm of users of the two toll roads was fairly high. This can be seen from the traffic of vehicles passing by, which is a total of 6,000 vehicles/day.

During the tariffless operating period, Hutama Karya has carried out massive socialization and education including the use of electronic money cards, toll road profiles, driving rules, to culinary and tourism information around toll roads through various communication channels.

"The presence of the Binjai-Langsa Toll Road from Binjai to Tanjung Pura provides considerable benefits, where it can cut the travel time from Binjai to Tanjung Pura from 1.5 hours to 30 minutes," he said.

Hutama Karya appealed to all road users to drive in accordance with the rules and regulations applicable on toll roads.

Driving at a minimum speed of 60 km/hour and a maximum of 100 km/hour and not using the shoulder of the road except in an emergency.

Users are also asked to immediately rest at the nearest resting place if they feel sleepy, and if there are complaints or see a crime on the toll road, they should immediately report to the Binjai-Langsa Toll Call Center.