BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Calls Total Claims JHT Textile Workers Get Laid Off Rp385 Billion
JAKARTA - The Employment Social Security Administration (BPJS) noted that claims for the benefits of Old Age Security (JHT) due to Termination of Work Relations (PHK) in the textile, footwear and garment sectors that have been paid reached Rp385 billion until May 2024.
President Director of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Anggoro Eko Cahyo said, JHT claims from the textile, footwear and garment sectors as many as 12,500 participants or contributed 20 percent of the total claims of 62,794.
"So, as of May, the total claim for textiles and footwear is 12,500 with the nominal benefit that has been given is IDR 385 billion," said Anggoro in a Hearing Meeting (RDP) with Commission IX of the DPR RI at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Tuesday, July 2.
Although the number of employees affected by layoffs increased, Anggoro said, the total claims paid also increased by around 3 percent until May 2024 compared to 2022 by 17 percent of the total claims.
Dari hasil diskusi dengan Asosiasi Produsen Serat dan Benang Filamen Indonesia, kata Anggoro, sebanyak 31 perusahaan sudah ditutup dan 21 lainnya melakukan pemerasan sebagian.
Then, the results of communication with 57 textile, footwear and garment sector companies showed that 52 percent experienced a decrease in orders, so there was a reduction in working hours and days.
"So, the impact is ultimately efficiency. This is more than half (the company) conveyed this. We see that 43 percent of the footwear industry has experienced an increase in orders. Only a few are still discussing that they are still in the COVID-19 pandemic phase, which is 4.17 percent," he said.
Meanwhile, the total number of textile, footwear and garment sector companies registered with BPJS Ketenagakerjaan is 6,962 companies with an active number of participants reaching 1.5 million people.
"As many as 82 percent (companies) are in Java. Of the 1.5 million participants, 1.4 million are in Java. This is the concentration of the textile and footwear garment industry sector," he concluded.