Perumnas Submits IDR 1.1 Trillion PMN Application To Build 13,207 House Units

Perum Perumnas submitted a request for non-cash state capital participation (PMN) for the 2024 fiscal year in the form of state property (BMN) belonging to the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) worth IDR 1.1 trillion.

This BMN consists of 10 objects, namely seven plots of land and three flats built on 9.56 hectares of Perumnas land.

In the Hearing Meeting (RDP) of Commission XI of the DPR RI in Jakarta, Tuesday, July 2, the President Director of Perum Perumnas Budi Saddewa Soediro explained that this non-cash PMN will be used to fulfill the backlog or lack of housing by building 13,207 housing units for low-income people (MBR).

The details, as reported by Antara, will be changed to 576 rusunami units, while seven plots of land will be built to 12,631 units of simple rented flats (rusunawa), simple flats owned (rusunami), and simple apartments owned (anami).

The seven plots of land are spread over several locations, namely West Jakarta, South Jakarta, and Surabaya. Meanwhile, the three Rusunawa locations built by the Ministry of PUPR are in Medan City, Batam City and Bogor Regency.

In addition to overcoming the housing backlog, Budi said that the background for submitting PMN also aims to improve the company's capital structure so that it can more easily access funding from banks and capital markets.

According to Budi, the provision of PMN has a significant impact on the sustainability of the company because it can generate a total revenue of IDR 6.6 trillion.

In addition, the addition of PNM is also said to increase net profit from IDR 15 billion in 2024 to IDR 118 billion in 2028.

Furthermore, he also said that the PNM provided would have a positive impact on the community through the absorption of 37 thousand workers from various sectors.

In the construction sector, PMN's land will absorb around 30 thousand workers, then 500 workers in the tourism sector, 3,000 workers in the transportation economy sector, and 3,000 workers in the formal and informal economic sectors.