Reminding The 20/2023 Sisdiknas Law, Muhadjir Emphasizes The Allocation Of Education Budgets Not For Officials

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) Muhadjir Effendy reminded that the allocation of education budgets is not for official schools.

The former Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2016-2019 period emphasized that this was stated in Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System (Sidiknas). "Leaders, mentioned in Article 49 paragraph (1) of Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning Sisdiknas stated that education funds in addition to educator salaries and official education costs are allocated at least 20 percent. So even the salaries of educators are not included. Officials are not included. This is firm," said Muhadjir in the General Hearing Meeting of the Working Committee (Panja) Education Financing Commission X DPR with a number of former ministers at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta on Tuesday 2 July, was confiscated by Antara.

As needs to be known, Article 49 of the Sisdiknas Law states that education funds, in addition to educator salaries and official education costs, are allocated at least 20 percent of the APBN in the education sector and at least 20 percent of the APBD. Therefore, 20 percent of the education budget should not be used for official school financing. So actually there is a legal umbrella, there is a regulation, you can't just enforce it. If we are prepared, because we really have an interest, the education budget is really in accordance with this rule," he said.

Earlier on Wednesday, June 19, the issue of the official school budget was one of the things that was highlighted by the Education Financing Committee. Deputy Chairman of Commission X DPR RI Dede Yusuf assessed that the amount of the budget allocated to official schools was far different or in conjunction with the non-service education budget allocated from the Ministry of Education and Culture. "There are services that go to college who are fully paid until they are uniform, all of which are paid, enter direct service is accepted. But many of them are also not accepted. But many are also ultimately accepted and with the standard financing does not use the standards of the Ministry of Education so that there is also disparity between lecturers who teach at the Ministry of Education and lecturers who teach in other ministries/agencies," said Dede. In the data presented by the Ministry of Education and Culture, it is known that there are 24 PTKL in Indonesia, 16 of which are financed by the state through the education budget allocation. The largest budget allocation is received by the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub). Government financing per student for PTKL in the ministry can reach Rp155 million per year.